Physiology of Female Reproductive System
Physiology of Female Reproductive System
Physiology of Female Reproductive System
Reproductive System
Physiological Stages
Central reproductive
In the prepubertal state, the
concentration of sex steroids and
gonadotropins is low. The hypothalamic
gonadostat is functional but highly
sensitive to low levels of sex steroids,with
the onset of puberty there is decreased
sensitivity of the hypothalamus to
negative feedback by sex steroids,
increased release of LRF, and enhanced
secretion of gonadotropins. In the
negative feedback mechanism, the
hypothalamus is less sensitive to
feedback by sex steroids (adult set point)
and adult levels of gonadotropins and sex
steroids are present.
Central reproductive
Neuroendocrine regulation
1. Gonadotropin-releasing
1) chemical structure
2) Synthesize and transport
Functions of ovary
1. Reproduction
development and maturation of
follicle; ovulation
2. Endocrine
estrogens, progesterone,
The Ovarian cycle
Cyclic changes of ovary
1. The development and maturation of follicle
1) Primordial follicle: before meiosis
2) Preantral follicle: zona pellucida, granulosa
cells (FSH receptor)
3) Antral follicle: granulosa cells (LH
receptor), E↑
4) Mature follicle: E↑,P↑
Theca externa, theca interna, granulosa,
follicular antrum, mound, radiate coronal
5) Follicular phase: day 1 to follicle mature
(14 days)
The Ovarian cycle
The Ovarian cycle
2. Ovulation
1) First meiosis completed → collagen
decomposed → oocyte ovulated
2) Regulation
a) LH/FSH peak
E2↑(mature follicle) → GnRH ↑
(hypothalamus) → LH/FSH peak
(positive feedback)
b) P cooperation
LH ↑ → P ↑(follicle luteinized before
ovulation) →positive feedback
The Ovarian cycle
3. Corpus luteum
1) follicle luteinized after ovulation:
luteal cells
2) LH → VEGF → corpus
3) Regression
non fertilized → corpus albicans
4) Luteal phase
Ovulation to day 1
The Ovarian cycle
sex hormones secreted by ovary
1. Composition
Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone
2. Chemical structure
Steroid hormone
3. Synthesis
Δ5 or Δ4 pathway of estrogen production
The Ovarian cycle
4. Metabolism: liver
5. Cyclic change of E and P in ovary
1) Estrogen
a) E↑(day 7) → E peak (pre-ovulate) →
E↓ → E↑ (1 day after ovulate) →E
peak (day 7-8) → E↓
b) theca interna cells (LH receptor) →
c) Granulosa (FSH receptor) →
P↑ (after ovulation) → P peak (day 7-
8) → P↓
endocervical glands (E↑)→
mucus(thin,clear, watery) → maximal
endocervical glands (P↑)→ mucus(thick,
opaque, tenacious)
Vaginal mucosa (E↑)→ thickening and
secretory changes
Vaginal mucosa (P↑) → secrete↓