Food Fortification Program (FFP) Pakistan
Food Fortification Program (FFP) Pakistan
Food Fortification Program (FFP) Pakistan
Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Pakistan’s long standing burden of malnutrition
• Food fortification
• Food Fortification Programmes
• Strengthening large scale food fortification
• Vitamin A, Iron, Iodine and Multiple Nutrient
• Foods fortified with Vitamin A, Iron, Iodine and
Food Fortification
Food fortification is a technique of adding nutrients to
foodstuffs as a public health policy or as commercial preference
to provide extra nutrients in a food product to trim down the
number of people with dietary deficiencies.
Strengthening large-
scale food fortification
• Whole wheat
• Iron
• Sugar
• Oils
• Salt
• Tea
• Milk
Implementation of
• Allen L, deBenoist B, Dary O, Hurrell R. Guidelines on food
fortification with micronutrients. WHO. Geneva: 2006.
• Ramakrishnan U, Yip R. Experiences and challenges in
industrialized countries: Control of iron deficiency in
industrialized countries. J Nutr. 2002;132:820S-824S
• Walker SP, Wachs TD, Gardner JM. Child development: risk
factors for adverse outcomes in developing countries. Lancet.
2007; 369:145–157.
• Akhtar P, Rehman KU, Orfi SD, Ahmad N. Assessment of
iodine levels in the Pakistani diet. Original Research Article
Nutrition, September 2004;20:783-787