Week 15 - Paragraph Editing
Week 15 - Paragraph Editing
Week 15 - Paragraph Editing
Paragraph Editing
Week 15
English For Military Civil Engineering Class
21 Juni 2022
Editing Paragraphs
• Does each sentence begin with a capital letter and end with
a period?
• Are commas, apostrophes and other punctuation marks used
• Is every word used and spelled correctly?
• Are verb tenses used correctly and consistently?
• Is each pronoun used correctly?
• Are articles used correctly?
1. The new Ship Wreck Museum in Key West is exciting!
a. All words ahould be lowercase
b. missing a comma after Museum
c. new should be capital
d. correct as is
6. My favorete tombstone was the sailor’s. What needs to be changed in this sentence?
a. favorete is misspelled – should be favorite
b. tombstone should be tomb stone
c. sailor’s does not need an aposthrope
d. correct as is
7. His wife wrote the words on it. Remember?
a. There should not be a question mark and a period.
b. he did not have a wife
c. correct as is
8. What is wrong with this sentence? Do you why it is called Key West?
a. missing the wor know
b. missing punctuation
c. missing quotation marks
d. correct as is
Switch the paragraph of yours into your friend’s paragraph. Proofread your firend’s work, give a note
and read the ne one loudly. The instructor/lecturer will check whether you have done the right
proofreading/editing. One undetected mistake in your friend’s paragraph will reduce you and your
friend’s score. One mistake will reduce 5 point of the total score.
Write a report and Proofread The Report of Your
friend’s work
Write a report of construction material experiment which was held in University of Indonesia. Create
2 pages of report and switch it to your partner as has been regulated previously. Send the lecturer the
final checked one. The lecturer will proofread again and the scheme of scoring will be similar to the last
assignment in the class. One mistake found will reduce 5 points from the total score.