Water Harvesting
Water Harvesting
Water Harvesting
Presented By
UNIT 1 Buildings and Environment 5 hrs
Energy concepts in building materials and buildings, Global
warming and environmental issues related to
building materials, Passive and active energy systems, Buildings
and climate, Cost effective vs. Energy
efficiency in buildings.
UNIT 2 Ferrocement, Ferro-concrete and Fibre reinforced
composites 8 hrs
Introduction, Materials, Construction methods, Durability,
Mechanical properties, Applications, Design
examples, Ferro-concrete, Applications , Design examples
Fibre reinforced cement composites : Materials, Mechanical
properties of FRC, Analysis and behaviour,
Fibre reinforced polymer composites : Materials, manufacturing
Processes and Applications
UNIT 3 Building blocks and Mortars for Masonry 8 hrs
Introduction, Stone and Laterite blocks, Burnt clay bricks,
Solid and Hollow concrete blocks, Terracotta blocks,
Stabilized Mud blocks, Stone masonry blocks, Selection of
building blocks.
Lime, Lime pozzolona and combination mortars for
masonry, Raw materials, Process, Properties and Uses,
Practical aspects
UNIT 4 Introduction to design of load bearing
structures 5 hrs
Stresses in masonry under compression, Factors influencing
compressive strength of masonry, Strength of
masonry under compression, Bond strength in masonry,
Elastic properties, Design of masonry under vertical
gravity loads.
UNIT 5 Alternative Roofing Systems 8 hrs
Concepts in roofing alternatives, Thatch roofs, Filler slab roofs,
Filler materials, Composite beam-panel roofs /
floors, hollow hourdi/concrete block roofs / floors.
Masonry Domes and Vaults: Historical notes, Relevance of
vaults and domes, Analysis and design of brick
masonry domes, construction of masonry domes, design of
brick masonry vaults, Construction of vaults,
Problems of lateral thrust, Vaults and domes.
UNIT 6 Concepts of Green Buildings 6 hrs
Sustainability concepts, Forms of energy, Embodied and Life
cycle energy, Energy Efficiency in Building
materials. Building Materials from Agro and Industrial waste,
Biomass resources, treated thatch, Industrial
wastes, Use of industrial wastes, Active and Passive energy
systems, Rain water harvesting, Cladding materials.
Role ofWater in Human Life
Sources, Present Status, Reasons of Shortage of Water
Need, Concept, Types and Benefits of Water Management
Success Story- Hivare Bazar Village
Statistical Data- Previous & present
Methods adopted/Implemented
Technology in Rural Development
Institutes offering Education in Rural Development
C-TARA IIT, Mumbai
IRM Anand (Gujrat)
Implementation 4 R Concept
Towards Developed Nation through Effective Water
Importance of water in life
Water is the driver of Nature.
- Leonardo da Vinci
Solar energy converted by plants; water is the catalyst that helps plants
Water vapor in the atmosphere traps radiation and warms up the Earth.
Some Domestic
uses of water.
Present Status
Water Conserve most of earth surface
Rain Water in India
Total annual rainfall in India:
400 million hectare-meters (area x height)
India’s area: 329 million hectares
If evenly spread, average height: 1.28m
Actual distribution:
◦ Highly skewed area-wise
◦ The desert receives less than 200mm annually, while
Cherrapunji receives 11,400mm
◦ But almost every part of India receives at least 100mm annually
Key: even 100mm annual rainfall sufficient if harvested properly
and where it falls
Rainfall in India seasonal (unlike Western countries)
Natural implication of such skew:
◦ Most of the rain water lost due to runoffs
◦ Unlike the west, very little water percolates into the ground
◦ Hence, the importance of harvesting structures for local self-
Reasons of Shortage of Water
Growing Population
Rapid Industrialization
Decrease in surface area of Lakes
) Less precipitation
(ii) Absence of Barriers
(a) Rain drops checked by leaves of tree
(b) Water slowly descends through twigs & trunk
© Humus – acts as reservoir
(d) Tiny creatures – helps percolation
Water Harvesting for
Rural Development
Need for Rain Water Harvesting-
Water is a becoming a scarce commodity
and it is considered as a liquid gold
Methods of Water Harvesting
The concept is simple
Store and use
Why Rain water be harvested
To conserve & augment the storage of ground water
To reduce water table depletion
To improve the quality of ground water
To arrest sea water intrusion in coastal areas
To avoid flood & water stagnation in urban areas
RWH - yield copious amounts of water. For an average rainfall of
1,000mm, approximately four million litres of rainwater can be
collected in a year in an acre of land (4,047 m2), post-evaporation.
As RWH - neither energy-intensive nor labour-intensive
It can be a cost-effective alternative to other water-accruing
With the water table falling rapidly, & concrete surfaces and
landfill dumps taking the place of water bodies, RWH is the most
reliable solution for augmenting groundwater level to attain self-
Importance of Water Harvesting
Ground water exploitation in India is very high
◦ Area irrigated by ground water has increased 5 times since
◦ Tubewells and borewells constructed primarily by larger
farmers, encouraged by cheap electricity drain ground water
Big dam projects have hardly had any positive impact
◦ Very few surface irrigation initiatives completed since
◦ Too expensive to complete (estimate: Rs. 60000 crore to
complete all ongoing major irrigation projects)
◦ More importantly, displace communities,
◦ Also reduce soil quality, lead to deforestation, all of which is
detrimental to ground water levels
To find out: what is the proportion of land irrigated by ground
water versus dams
Traditional water harvesting systems have withstood the test of
◦ Hence, worth taking seriously, of course in the current context
and fully understanding their limitations
RWH – Methodologies
Transportation: Downtake
Storage in tanks
The typical roof top rain water harvesting
system comprises
Roof catchment
◦ catchment for collecting rain water
◦ Water available from Roof
◦ to collect & transport the rainwater from the roof
Down pipe & first flushing pipe
◦ carries the rainwater from the gutters to the filter & storage tank
Filter Unit
◦ to avoid the entering unwanted material into the Filter media & storage
tank to remove the debris & dirt from water that enters the tank
Storage Tank
◦ store the water that is collected from the roof through filter
◦ Size of Storage Tank
Rain Water Harvesting– Advantages
Watershed (ha)Classification
50,000-2,00,000 Watershed
10,000-50,000 Sub-watershed
10-100 Mini-watershed
Appropriate Technology
Recharging of borewells
Recharging of ground water sources
The roof catchment are
THANK selectively cleaner when
compared to the ground
After Permanent
Before Rainwater Harvesting