Communication Process in Media Organisations
Communication Process in Media Organisations
Communication Process in Media Organisations
Process in Media
Communication Process in Media
• Communication is the live-wire of every organisation.
This is because management involves organising,
directing, controlling and planning, all of which are
communication driven.
• The word “communication” is derived from Latin word
“communicare”, which means “to make common”.
Communication means exchange or sharing of ideas. It is
the sending of signals across to person(s) and the purpose
is usually to elicit some response(s) from such person(s).
Communication Process in Media
• Communication is the vital link that influences
both individual motivation and group behaviour in
an organisation. There are different types of
• 1. Intra-personal communication: This is
communication that goes on within or inside an
individual. It is communication with oneself, e.g.
singing while working or relaxing.
Communication Process in Media