Health Care Delivery System in India
Health Care Delivery System in India
Health Care Delivery System in India
in India
Health is…..
……..a state of complete Physical,
MentalSocial well being and not merely an
absence of disease or infirmity….
…..which allows a person to
live a socio-economically productive life.
Illness is…..
…a state in which a person’ s
physical, intellectual, social or spiritual
functioning is diminished or impaired.
Could be a government…or…
….the health care industry,
….a health care
equipment company,
….an institution such as a
hospital or laboratory.
Health services
Includes… concepts ( e.g health and diseases)
Ideas(e.g equity)
Objects(e.g hospitals, health centres)
Persons (health care workers viz.
physician, nurses)
Participation of people
Utilization of services
Understanding the recommendations
Satisfaction with the services
Participation in decision making
3. Outcomes of health care
Aspects of health that results from interventions provided by the
health system
– Community rehabilitation;
Community participation
Intersectoral coordination
Appropriate technology
Health Care Delivery System in India
Promotion of research
Prevention of Communicable disease
Specific function
International health relations and quarantine of all
ports in country and international airport.
Control of drug standards
Maintain medical store depots
Administration of post graduate training programmes
Administration of certain medical colleges in India
Municipal Board
Municipalities & Corporations (10,000- 2 Lac Pop)
Corporations (> 2 lac
Health Services
Out patient services -Patients who don’t require hospitalization
can receive health care in a clinic. An out patient setting is
designed to be convenient and easily accessible to the patient.
b. Hospitals/Health centres
Community health centres
Rural hospitals
District hospitals/health centres
Specialist hospitals
Teaching hospitals
d. Other agencies
c. Health insurance schemes
Employees State
Defense services
Insurance Railways
Central Govt. Health Schemes
2. Private
a. Private hospitals, polyclinic, nursing homes and
b. General practitioners and clinics
3. Indigenous system of medicine
a. Ayurveda and Siddha
b. Unani and Tibbi
c. Homeopathy
d. Unregistered practitioners
4. Voluntary health agencies
5. National health programmes
Primary health care in India
In 1977, GoI launched Rural Health Scheme based on the
principle of “placing people’s health in people’s hand”
Population Norms
It serves as a referral centre for 4 PHCs and also provides facilities for
obstetric care and specialist consultations.
Functions of CHCs
Care of Routine and Emergency Cases in Surgery
Family Planning