Writing A Personal Narrative
Writing A Personal Narrative
Writing A Personal Narrative
p. 88, The Write Source
C. Edge
English I
4 Writing Purposes
• Expository – provides information
or an explanation about a topic
• Narrative – tells a story
• Descriptive – describes a subject
using sensory details
• Persuasive – attempts to change
someone’s viewpoint about a subject
Personal Narratives
• A personal narrative re-creates a
specific experience or event in your
• Other ideas:
– Recording your narrative.
– Presenting it in a class blog.
– Reading it to a group of your peers.
• Focus on presentation:
– Use blue or black ink and write neatly; or type your essay.
– Write your name in the upper left-hand corner of page 1.
– Double-space your narrative.
– Indent every paragraph and leave a one-inch margin on all
four sides.
– Write your last name and the page number in the upper
right-hand corner of every page after the first one.
Use the Rubric for
Narrative Writing on
p. 124-5 to assess
your writing.
Reflecting on Your Writing,
p. 128
• You’ve worked hard on your personal narrative.