Songkran Thailand New Year Festival
Songkran Thailand New Year Festival
Songkran Thailand New Year Festival
● Songkran Introduction
● Conclusion
● Reflection
First of all, thanks to Amir and Khairin for doing research on our project because
without them maybe our project would be difficult. Thanks to Hazziq also for
making the slides for our project. In addition, thank you to Teacher Widad for giving
us the assignment to complete this project and not forgetting also to our parents who
always gave support for us to complete this project.
Songkran Introduction
Songkran is a term derived from the Sanskrit word, saṅkrānti or, more specifically,
meṣa saṅkrānti and used to refer to the traditional New Year celebrated in Thailand.
It begins when the sun transits the constellation of Aries, the first astrological sign in
the Zodiac, as reckoned by sidereal astrology. It is related to the equivalent Hindu
calendar-based New Year festivals in most parts of South Asia which are collectively
referred to as Mesha Sankranti. In Thailand, New Year is now officially celebrated
on 1 January. Songkran was the official New Year until 1888, when it was switched to
a fixed date of 1 April. Then in 1940, this date was shifted to 1 January. The
traditional Thai New Year Songkran was transformed into a national holiday.
Celebrations are famous for the public water fights framed as ritual cleansing.
In 1989, the Thai cabinet fixed Songkran at 12–14 April, despite the correct starting date 13
April at 20:57. Songkran, however, was traditionally computed according to the method
described in Suriyayart, the Thai version of Surya Siddhanta. The celebration starts when
the sun enters Aries according to the sidereal zodiac system. This is called Maha Songkran
day. The final day marks the new solar year and is called Wan Thaloengsok. The astrologers,
local or royal, then make predictions about the economy, agriculture, rainfall, and political
affairs according to observations between both days. The king, or Chief Royal Astrologer on
the monarch's behalf, issued an official notification on the new year to the public. The
announcement, called Prakat Songkran, contained the information on Maha Songkran,
Thaloengsok, the lunisolar calendar, and religious and royal ceremonies. The government
strictly adhered to the announcement and arranged some ceremonies according to the
computation made by the royal astrologer.
According to the Buddhist scripture of Wat Pho, Songkran originated from the death
of Kapila Brahma romanized: Kabilaphrom, lit. 'reddish Brahma'). In the olden
days, there was a wealthy man and his neighbor, a drunkard. The drunkard, who had
two sons, belittled the rich man for being childless. The rich man was humiliated and
beseeched the Sun and the Moon gods to grant him a son. His attempts failed until he
offered cooked rice to the tree god living in a banyan tree, who asked Indra to grant
the man's wish. The child, named Thammabal also Dhammapala was born.
Songkran Festival has transform the part of Thailand culture and traditional which is insistedfor years. Thai
people celebrate the day as New year it is important to know because newyear in the Buddhist calendar is a marked
as an important day in the whole year. Not only is Songkran a time to start a new start, it is also a time for
individuals to reproduce upon andthank the acts of kind-heartedness and meditation that others have assumed
them. Songkran isalso a time to reunion all the family members. The signature of Songkran is water which
itsrepresent removing of all ills, bad luck and get a fresh start by this action Songkran festivalhas transform to
water carnival. A groups of people no matter friends or stranger line out at astreet and splash water through the
people who pass by them. This action or carnival alsoattract the outsider which is tourist come to visit and
experience it even some of the countryalso celebrate Songkran festival on April although they don’t know the
meaning and traditionof Songkran festival. According to Asia News Monitor (2010) share that the Ministry
ofCulture of Thailand held a campaign to ask citizen to purchase the scented water, Thai fabricclothes, handicrafts
for the person they beloved during the festival. Thailand put a lot of effortto celebrate the Songkran festival such
as spend around 70millions bath to promote to otherscountry, ensure all their local communities have the chance to
reunion with their familymembers and also increase their country image or reputation and economy as well.
Songkran marks beginning of the Thai New Year in line with the Buddhist calendar. It’s
easily Thailand’s most famous festival. Yet, many who don’t know of the holiday’s long-held
traditions might think Songkran is primarily about splashing water. In fact, there are other
important reasons why Songkran is important in Thailand. Songkran is for families. For
Thai people, the New Year period means family gatherings to enjoy festive meals and uphold
holiday traditions. One very important Songkran tradition is paying respect to elders. For
this, Thai children gently pour, not splash, scented water over the palms of parents and
grandparents as an act of gratitude and devotion. Songkran is a major Buddhist holiday in
Thailand. The origin of Songkran relates directly to Buddhism, and its rites and rituals
remain central to modern celebrations. Every Songkran holiday period includes at least one
visit to a local temple for prayers in addition to offerings of food and alms to monks.
Thank You