Presentation Natta de Coco
Presentation Natta de Coco
Presentation Natta de Coco
Phylum Proteobacteria
Ordo Rhodospirillales
Family Pseudomonadaceae
Properties of Gram:
a. Negative
b. Aerobe
c. Cocus
As starter, we use pure culture
. This bacteria can be produced from pineapple
dregs which has been incubated for 2-3 weeks.
a. To eliminate contamination in coconut water can be
done by filtering using fabric filter.
b. Add sugar 100 gr/L, after that boil the media and
cold it.
After cold, make the media to 3-4 PH condition and
Inoculate by adding starter 170 ml (
a. Take the mixture to pot (e.g. panci) and covered by
b. Store in a clean-safe place for a week.
c. After curing is complete with the layer formation of
Nata at the surface, removed the nata layer.
d. Discard the membrane that attaches at the
bottom of nata, cut into pieces and wash the nata.
e. Put into the pot and soaked for 3 days, everyday
the water have to be replaced after boiling for omit
the smells of acid
f. Furthermore, Nata de Coco can be preserved with
syrup by mixing 3kg Nata de Coco with 2kg of sugar
plus 4.5 liters of water and then boiled.
` Several step making Nata de Coco is as follows:
- Cultivation of culture
- Preparation of the starter, the fermentation substrate
- Fermentation, harvesting, processing and packaging.
` Producing Nata de Coco is simple, but in the process requires
attention at the critical point:
- Cultivation of culture
Preparation of starters
- Fermentation process.
` Hygiene is very important factor for success the process of
Nata de Coco.