Bacteria Vs Viruses and Diseases
Bacteria Vs Viruses and Diseases
Bacteria Vs Viruses and Diseases
Key words
Bacteria Virus Cell Host Function Biodiversity
Key words
Bacteria Virus Cell Host Function Biodiversity
Why do plants have cell walls and we don’t? Why do plants have chloroplasts and we don’t?
Why do plants have a vacuole and we don’t?
How are bacteria and viruses Objective- State what a cell is.
Cells different
Tick the boxes for plant and animal cells. Extension- write a sentence describing what each
part of cell does.
Part of cell Animal cell Plant cells Ext: What does it do ?
Cell membrane
Cell wall
Cell structure Function.
Cell wall Provides structure and support to the cell to the cell.
Work to convert light energy of the Sun into sugars that can
Chloroplasts be used by cells. Photosynthesis and it all depends on the
little green chlorophyll molecules in each chloroplast.
Vacuole Filled with cell sap to help keep the cell turgid.
Feature Eukaryotic cell (plant, protist, Prokaryotic cell (bacterial cell)
animal and fungal cell)
Size Most are 5 μm – 100 μm Most are 0.2 μm – 2.0 μm
Outer layers of cell Cell membrane. Surrounded by Cell membrane. Surrounded by
cell wall in plants and fungi. cell wall.
Cytoplasm. Cell organelles Cytoplasm. Ribosomes present.
Cell contents include mitochondria, There are no mitochondria or
chloroplasts in plants and chloroplasts.
DNA in a nucleus. Plasmids are DNA is a single molecule, found
Genetic material found in a few simple eukaryotic free in the cytoplasm.
Additional DNA is found on one
organisms. or more rings called plasmids.
Type of cell division Mitosis Binary fission
That plant and animal cells are eukaryotic cells, which make up eukaryotic organisms, and that bacterial cells are
prokaryotic cells, which are much smaller than eukaryotic cells.
Key words:
Bacterial cells
Bacteria are different from animal and plant cells. They are all single-celled. The cells are all ____________ .
This means they do not have a nucleus or any other structures which are surrounded by ___________. Larger
bacterial cells may be visible using a _______ microscope, however an _________ microscope would be
needed to see the details of the cell organelles.
Covid-19 is the name we use for the disease but it is not actually correct. The real name is Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome Coronavirus 2”, or SARS-CoV-2. Their reason for the name is because the virus is genetically related to the
one that caused the SARS outbreak in 2003.
However WHO have said they will not use the term SARS (or SARS-CoV-2) when communicating with the public
because it could have “unintended consequences in terms of creating unnecessary fear for some populations,
especially in Asia which was worst affected by the SARS outbreak in 2003.”
As is often the case in the scientific world, coronavirus’ name is Latin. In the ancient language, corona means crown.
How are bacteria and viruses different
Learning Objective: to analyse the difference between
bacteria and viruses and explain the pros and cons of both.
Key words
Bacteria Virus Cell Host Function Biodiversity
Kill the bad ones We don’t want to kill them all
Killing the bad ones NO!
Viruses are mostly known for their aggressive and infectious nature.
It's true, most viruses are bad for us – causing diseases ranging from a mild
cold to serious conditions like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
But they're not all bad. Some viruses can actually kill bacteria, while others
can fight against more dangerous viruses. So like protective bacteria
(probiotics), we have several protective viruses in our body.
Key words
Bacteria Virus Cell Host Function Biodiversity
Size Small 1/100th the size Smallest 1/100th the Visible usually single Larger than bacteria.
of body cells size of bacteria celled.
Covid-19 Heart
AIDS disease
TB Anaemia
Flu Diabetes
Lung disease
How are they
1. Through Contaminated F _ _ d
3. Through dirty W_ _ er
4. Through the A _ r