Financial Analytics 4
Financial Analytics 4
Financial Analytics 4
1. Business Models
2. Changing role of the financial department
There are three new business models which form the basis of
financial analytics Most of the finance functions are automatic and requires only
fewer resources to manage them. This enables the finance
Business to Business executives to concentrate more on the business goals rather
Business to Consumer than just focusing on processing and reconciling transactions
Business to Employee
3. Business Processes
4. Integrated Analytics
Businesses are becoming more complex these days due to the
advancement of technologies. Lot of questions arise in the These days companies use integrated financial analytics to face
mind of the business people. Analytics provide the answers to the competition in the financial analytics market place. Because
all these questions. Financial analytics lets the managers and of using such integrated financial analytics companies will be
executives in an organization to have access to more accurate able to analyze and share the information to the sources inside
and detailed financial information of the organization. This and outside the organization. Organizations should use
strengthens the relationship of the employee inside the integrated financial analytics to survive in the new economy.
5. Role of the Data Warehouse
• The data warehousing solutions mainly focus on important analytical
components like data stores, data marts and reporting applications. Data
warehousing in the future will require rich analytical capabilities. Smart
decisions are easily made when the data and business processes are
integrated across all business functions in an organization.
Data Driven Decision Making
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