Total Quality Management (TQM) - Anil Mishra
Total Quality Management (TQM) - Anil Mishra
Total Quality Management (TQM) - Anil Mishra
Q= (P, F, C, R, D,S, R,A, R)
Incremental changes lead to continuous improvement
quick solutions may yield only partial results.
Provides a method of improving services to users in a
period to similar resources.
Helps break down barriers between library departments
and improves communication within the organization.
Improves the level of training given to staff thus
increasing skills.
Increases staff participation in decision making, thus
increasing the feeling of “ownership” of decisions and
directions once charted.
Forces library managers to develop leadership skills
interested in replaying power with in position to obtain
Six Factors enables the Proper Implementation of TQM
There must be a warm, supportive learning
Students should be asked to do only useful work.
Students should be asked to do the best they can do.
Students should be asked to evaluate their own
work and improve it.
Quality work should always feel good.
Quality work should never be destructive.
To Implement ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning
System) for Specific module for College And
Industrial Libraries.
By formulating Strategic plans with commitment .
By Continuous improvement.
Flexible System for Libraries.
Quality Improvement.
Computerized System for Allocation And
By Fulfilling Ethical Responsibilities
Gradual Review and Updates.