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Total Quality Management (TQM) - Anil Mishra

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Anil Kumar Mishra


New Delhi
Email id: anilmlis@gmail.com
Blog: http://anilkmishra.blogspot.com
 Total – Made up of whole

 Quality – Degree of Excellence of a Product or


 Management – Act , art , or manner of handling,

controlling, directing etc
  Total Quality Management is not a destination, but a journey to-ward
(Hunt, Managing for quality 1991)
 Quality is conformance to requirements.
(Philips B Crosby)

 A predictable degree of uniformity and dependability at low cost and

suited to market.
(W. Edwards Deming)
 A committed and involved management to provide
long term top to bottom organizational support.
 An unwavering focus on the customer, both
internally and externally
 Effective involvement & utilization of the entire
 Continuous improvement of the business &
production process
 Treating supplier as a partners
 Establish performance measures for the processes.
Q= P/E

Q= (P, F, C, R, D,S, R,A, R)
 Incremental changes lead to continuous improvement
quick solutions may yield only partial results.
 Provides a method of improving services to users in a
period to similar resources.
 Helps break down barriers between library departments
and improves communication within the organization.
 Improves the level of training given to staff thus
increasing skills.
 Increases staff participation in decision making, thus
increasing the feeling of “ownership” of decisions and
directions once charted.
 Forces library managers to develop leadership skills
interested in replaying power with in position to obtain
Six Factors enables the Proper Implementation of TQM
 There must be a warm, supportive learning
 Students should be asked to do only useful work.
 Students should be asked to do the best they can do.
 Students should be asked to evaluate their own
work and improve it.
 Quality work should always feel good.
 Quality work should never be destructive.
 To Implement ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning
System) for Specific module for College And
Industrial Libraries.
 By formulating Strategic plans with commitment .
 By Continuous improvement.
 Flexible System for Libraries.
 Quality Improvement.
 Computerized System for Allocation And
 By Fulfilling Ethical Responsibilities
 Gradual Review and Updates.

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