Environmental Procedure
Environmental Procedure
Environmental Procedure
(a) Act No. 3572, Prohibition Against Cutting of Tindalo, Akli, and Molave
(b) P.D. No. 705, Revised Forestry Code;
(c) P.D. No. 856, Sanitation Code;
(d) P.D. No. 979, Marine Pollution Decree;
(e) P.D. No. 1067, Water Code;
(f) P.D. No. 1151, Philippine Environmental Policy of 1977;
(g) P.D. No. 1433, Plant Quarantine Law of 1978;
What is the scope?
R.A. No. 7586, National Integrated Protected Areas System Act including all
laws, decrees, orders, proclamations and issuances establishing protected
(n) R.A. No. 7611, Strategic Environmental Plan for Palawan Act;
(o) R.A. No. 7942, Philippine Mining Act;
(p) R.A. No. 8371, Indigenous Peoples Rights Act;
(q) R.A. No. 8550, Philippine Fisheries Code;
(r) R.A. No. 8749, Clean Air Act;
What is the scope?
(y) Provisions in C.A. No. 141, The Public Land Act; R.A. No. 6657,
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988; R.A. No. 7160, Local
Government Code of 1991; R.A. No. 7161, Tax Laws Incorporated in the
Revised Forestry Code and Other Environmental Laws (Amending the NIRC);
R.A. No. 7308, Seed Industry Development Act of 1992; R.A. No. 7900,
High-Value Crops Development Act; R.A. No. 8048, Coconut Preservation
Act; R.A. No. 8435, Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997;
R.A. No. 9522, The Philippine Archipelagic Baselines Law; R.A. No. 9593,
Renewable Energy Act of 2008; R.A. No. 9637, Philippine Biofuels Act; and
other existing laws that relate to the conservation, development, preservation,
protection and utilization of the environment and natural resources.
What are the objectives?
(h) Wildlife means wild forms and varieties of flora and fauna, in all
developmental stages including those which are in captivity or are being bred
or propagated.
SECTION 1. Pleadings and motions allowed.—The pleadings and motions that may
be filed are complaint, answer which may include compulsory counterclaim and cross-
claim, motion for intervention, motion for discovery and motion for reconsideration of
the judgment. Motion for postponement, motion for new trial and petition for relief
from judgment shall be allowed in highly meritorious cases or to prevent a manifest
miscarriage of justice.
SEC. 2. Prohibited pleadings or motions.—The following pleadings or
motions shall not be allowed:
(a) Motion to dismiss the complaint;
(b) Motion for a bill of particulars;
(c) Motion for extension of time to file pleadings, except to
file answer, the extension not to exceed fifteen (15) days;
(d) Motion to declare the defendant in default;
(e) Reply and rejoinder; and
(f) Third party complaint.
SEC. 3. Verified complaint.—The verified complaint shall contain the names
of the parties, their addresses, the cause of action and the reliefs prayed
for. The plaintiff shall attach to the verified complaint all evidence proving or
supporting the cause of action consisting of the affidavits of witnesses,
documentary evidence and if possible, object evidence.
The affidavits shall be in question and answer form and shall comply with the
rules of admissibility of evidence. The complaint shall state that it is an
environmental case and the law involved. The complaint shall also include a
certification against forum shopping. If the complaint is not an environmental
complaint, the presiding judge shall refer it to the executive judge for re-raffle.
SEC. 4. Who may file.—Any real party in interest, including the government and
juridical entities authorized by law, may file a civil action involving the enforcement
or violation of any environmental law.
SEC. 12. Payment of filing and other legal fees.—The payment of filing and
other legal fees by the plaintiff shall be deferred until after judgment unless
the plaintiff is allowed to litigate as an indigent. It shall constitute a first lien
on the judgment award. For a citizen suit, the court shall defer the payment of
filing and other legal fees that shall serve as first lien on the judgment award.
SEC. 13. Service of summons, orders and other court processes.—The
summons, orders and other court processes may be served by the sheriff, his
deputy or other proper court officer or for justifiable reasons, by the
counsel or representative of the plaintiff or any suitable person authorized
or deputized by the court issuing the summons.
SEC. 14. Verified answer.—Within fifteen (15) days from receipt of
summons, the defendant shall file a verified answer to the complaint and
serve a copy thereof on the plaintiff. The defendant shall attach affidavits of
witnesses, reports, studies of experts and all evidence in support of the
Affirmative and special defenses not pleaded shall be deemed waived, except
lack of jurisdiction. Cross-claims and compulsory counterclaims not asserted
shall be considered barred. The answer to counterclaims or cross-claims shall
be filed and served within ten (10) days from service of the answer in which
they are pleaded.
What’s the effect of failure to answer?
SEC. 15. Effect of failure to answer.—Should the defendant fail to answer the
complaint within the period provided, the court shall declare defendant in
default and upon motion of the plaintiff, shall receive evidence ex parte and
render judgment based thereon and the reliefs prayed for.