Power Point Advanced Financial Accounting
Power Point Advanced Financial Accounting
Power Point Advanced Financial Accounting
A N FA L K A N K O U N I 3 6 3 6 4
TAWA S E E F A L E N E Z I 3 8 7 6 5
M AT H AY E L A L S H A M M A R I 4 0 0 3 4
Instructor: Ali Coskun
Section O6
- purchase of over 50 percent > Gives the Parent the right to decide
- businesses use the word consolidated loosely in financial statement reporting to refer to the aggregated reporting
- If a business is involved internationally then the enterprise has to follow the rules set by (IFRS)
- Corporations may use the expense approach or equity method to account for its subsidiary ownership
A business comprises of inputs and outputs and A company needs to provide at least an input and Defining the basic
processes connected to inputs that are capable of a substantial process that together significantly concept
.delivering outputs improves the ability to generate outputs.
NCI holdings would be calculated at market .At fair value Measurement of NCI
valuation and part of the fair value of net assets at
.the point of liquidation
There is no clear path with respect to popular power. The recipient shall declare net assets in the Entities under common
.Business may report this at fair or GAAP value .accounts of the transferee at the historic price control
If an existing obligation arising from previous Both contingent assets and liabilities are Contingent assets and
accidents and the reasonable worth may be recognized and measured at reasonable prices on liabilities
measured correctly, particularly if it is not intended the acquisition date, whether a fair value may be
to result in an out flight of resources, the contingent determined. Otherwise, these are only understood
liability borne by a business combination would be if the commodity or duty is likely to exist at the
.recognized. It should not consider variable capital time of purchase and the amount may be correctly
Power is the basis for takeover, no matter what the There are two consolidation frameworks. First and Consolidation style
position of investee is. The shareholder of the stock foremost, organizations are open to the Variable
may affect the company stock because it is prone to Interest Entity (VIE) system. Otherwise, the
or has the right to uncertain returns as a result of its voting preference model is generalized to
relationship with the investor, and it has the power to organizations where the VIE structure is not
influence such returns through its jurisdiction over accurate. If a disclosing body holds a VIE, it has a
.the investor .predominating financial stake in it
.There is no clear guidance for a limited agreement Clear advice is given relevant to limited Limited partnerships
De facto influence is shown by the presence of There is no such thing as de facto power. As De facto control
circumstances in which a parent corporation may previously mentioned in the context of the
exercise control over an Investee's right despite (a) consolidation frameworks of the United States,
holding less than a 1% voting interest and (b) the concept of productive management remains in
missing legal and (or) contractual rights that would compliance with contracts. Generally Accepted
allow the entity to exploit voting power or .Accounting Principles
.shareholder boards of directors
- $4 trillion capital
- $12 trillion in Facebook stock
- This sale price is damaged by Facebook’s current price which amount $21.8 billion.
- Facebook offered an amount of $19.6 billion, adding $3,6 billion to the initial fee for remaining on
Facebook for WhatsApp staff.