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Spillways: Lecture #2 (Con'd)

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Lecture #2 (con’d)

1.4 Types of Spillways

time Auxiliary
Flow Gated
Types of Spillways spillway Un-gated
Based on Free over-fall
structures/ Side channel
discharge Chute
Siphon … etc
• Components of the spillway
• The various components of a spillway are:
– Control structure,
– Discharge channel
– Terminal structures – energy dissipaters

• Causes of failure of spillways 

• Generally spillways fail due to structural,
geotechnical, hydraulic or operational inadequacy to
accommodate the flow carried by them.
1.6 Design principles of spillways

• Essential requirements:
– The spillway must have sufficient capacity.
– It must be structurally adequate.
– It must provide safe disposal of water i.e., spillway
discharge will not erode d/s toe of the dam and the
bounding surface of spillway must be erosion

• Spillway Capacity
• The maximum capacity of spillway i.e., outflow rate through
spillway must be determined by reservoir routing, knowing:
– Inflow rate v/s time (inflow hydrograph)
– Reservoir capacity curve (reservoir elevation v/s storage)
– Discharge curve (out flow v/s reservoir water elevation).
• However the required capacity of a spillway depends on:
– Inflow flood, I and storage, S
– Discharge capacity of outlet works, O
– Whether gated or un-gated spillway
– Possible damage if a spillway capacity is inadequate.
• Based on the continuity equation,
I – O = dV/dt
• In a finite difference form, the above equation can
be written as

• By rewriting
Over flow or Ogee spillway

• Ogee is guided smoothly over the crest of the spillway

and is made to glide over the downstream face of the
• The shape of such a profile depends upon the:
– Head
– The inclination of U/S face of the overflow section and
– The height of the overflow section above the floor of the
entrance channel.
•  The ogee profile should provide maximum possible
hydraulic efficiency, structural stability and economy .

• The ogee profile may be categorized into two

1. Overflow dams with vertical U/S face
• The following equation of USCE is used for finding
coordinates (X, Y) for the D/S profile
x1.85 = 2 (He) 0.85 y 
• Where X & Y are coordinates as shown in the figure
and Hd is the design head.
• For U/S profile following coordinates with origin at
crest are recommended

• The u/s profile should be tangential to the vertical face and should
conform to the following equation:
y = {0.724 (x+ 0.270 He)1.85/(He )0.85 }+ 0.126 He - 0.4315(He)0.375(x
+ 0.270 He)0.625
• Alternatively the u/s slope may be considered to consist of
compound circular curve with R1= 0.50 He and R2 = 0.20 He
• The chord length up to R1 and R2 is given as:

a = 0.175 He and b = 0.282 He

2. Over flow dams with sloping upstream face
• The D/S profile for U/S sloping face conforms to the
following equation:
xn = K (He)n-1 y
• Where: n & K are variable parameters which depends on the
inclination of U/S face of the dam. He is the design head.
• Values of constant K, n , R1, R2, a and b

• The curved profile of the crest section is continued till it meets

tangentially the straight sloping portion of the overflow dam section,
where the value of dy/dx for the curved profile and the straight
segment must be equal.
• The slope of the d/s face of the overflow dam varies from 0.7(H):1(V)
to 0.8:1 and is decided on the basis of stability requirements.
•Computation of discharge over ogee crest
•The discharge over ogee spillway is computed from the basic equation of weir given below:
Q = Cd Le He3/2
Where, He = Head of over flow in meters including velocity of approach head.
He = Hd + Ha
•The discharge coefficient is influenced by a number of factors:
– Height of spillway above stream bed or depth of approach
– Relation of the actual crest shape to the ideal nappe shape
– Upstream face slope
– Downstream apron interference, and
– Downstream submergence
– Ratio of actual total head (p) to the design head
– Effect of head due to velocity of approach
• The height of spillway above stream bed or approach channel affects the
velocity of approach which in turn affects the Cd.
• With increase in height of spillway the velocity of approach decreases and the
coefficient of discharge increases.
• Model tests indicate that the Cd becomes fairly constant when height of
spillway > 3.0 He, Various texts give a plot of Cd versus He:

• Where P is the height of spillway. When u/s face is inclined the above Cd values
gets multiplied by a factor from 0.995 to 1.04 for (P/ He = 1.5) to (P/ He = 0.2).

•Effective length
Le = L -2(N*kp+ka)*Hd
•Design ogee spillway for the following data:
– Height of the spillway crest = 100.0 m
– Number of spans = 10
– Length of each span (clear) = 12.5m
– Thickness of each pier = 3 m
– D/s slope of spillway = 0.8(H): 1(V)
– Rock condition = good
– Design discharge = 8500 m3/s
– 90o nosed piers are supposed with rounded abutments. Kp = 0.01 and Ka = 0.1

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