Lecture 2 - Central Bank and Its Functions
Lecture 2 - Central Bank and Its Functions
Lecture 2 - Central Bank and Its Functions
A Central Banks is an integral part of
the financial and economic system.
They are usually owned by the
government and given certain functions
to fulfill. These include printing money,
operating monetary policy, the lender
of last resort and ensuring the stability
of financial system.
• Macroeconomic stability - All central
banks strive for low and stable inflation;
What Is the most also try to promote stable growth in
Mission of a output and employment.
Nation's Central • Financial stability - Central banks try to
Bank?* ensure that the nation's financial system
functions properly; importantly, they try to
prevent or mitigate financial panics or crises.
A central bank is the term used to describe
the authority responsible for policies that
affect a country’s supply of money and
credit. More specifically, a central bank uses
its tools of monetary policy - open market
operations, discount window lending,
changes in reserve requirements-to affect
shortterm interest rates and the monetary
base (currency held by the public plus bank
reserves) in order to achieve important
policy goals
Deeper definition