Dreams: Between Myth and Science: Presented By: Abdelrahman Elshafei
Dreams: Between Myth and Science: Presented By: Abdelrahman Elshafei
Dreams: Between Myth and Science: Presented By: Abdelrahman Elshafei
Sleeping tips.
Sleep cycles
Our dreams vary in length: they may last for just a few seconds,
and they may last for 20 - 30 minutes.
Faces are familiar, you can only dream about faces you’ve already seen in
person or on TV.
This man
Recurrent dreams are assumed to reveal the presence of unresolved conflicts or stress in
an individual’s life. Here are some psychiatrist interpretations:
Losing teeth: This is a dream you may have when moving through a transition in life
Being chased: The degree to which you are being chased gives a clear indication of the
degree to which you are avoiding an issue that needs to be addressed.
A type of dreams where the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming.
An estimated 55 % of people have had one or more lucid dreams in their lifetime.
Lucid dreaming usually happens spontaneously. However, it’s possible to learn how to lucid
dream through various methods.
Ex: Reality testing (Mirrors, hard objects, hands).
lay down and relax until you experience a hallucination. (Inspirational for some people)
Negative aspects might include: Sleeping problems, memory problems, depression and sleep
Dreams in ancient cultures
People have been fascinated by dreams for thousands of years and cultures around the world
have developed their own traditions for interpreting dreams.
Sumerians: Viewed their dreams as signs sent from gods. People had their dreams
translated by “dream priests” who foretold the dreamer’s future.
Ancient Egypt: They also viewed dreams as messages from gods and created their own
Dream Book. Egyptians celebrated rituals, gave sacrifices and recited prayers in hopes that
their dreams would reveal fragments of the future.
Dreams in ancient cultures
The existence of unfair or unpopular laws was justified by the fact that they
were suggested in dreams.
Sleeping tips
The best sleep temperature for most people is between 20 and 23 degrees.
Caffeine can significantly worsen sleep quality, Don’t consume caffeine late in the day.
Thank you
Sleep well and have happy