Utilisation of Electric Power Electric Traction: Course Code: EE702 Co Ordinator: Dr. Nandita Sanyal
Utilisation of Electric Power Electric Traction: Course Code: EE702 Co Ordinator: Dr. Nandita Sanyal
Utilisation of Electric Power Electric Traction: Course Code: EE702 Co Ordinator: Dr. Nandita Sanyal
Essential driving mechanism of an electric locomotive is shown in Figure. The armature of the driving motor has a pinion of diameter d’ attached to it. The tractive
effort at the edge of the pinion is transferred to the driving wheel by means of a gearwheel.
T = F’ (d’/2) or F’ = 2T/d’
Tractive effort transferred to the driving wheel- where d is diameter of gearwheel in metres, D is diameter of driving wheel in metres and η
is the efficiency of transmission,γ is the gear ratio and is equal to d/d’.
The maximum frictional force between the driving wheel and the track = µW where µ is the coefficient of adhesion between the driving wheel and the track and W is
the weight of the train on the driving axles (called adhesive weight). Slipping will not take place unless tractive effort F > µW. For motion of trains without slipping
tractive effort F should be less than or at the most equal to µW but in no case greater than µW.
The magnitude of the tractive effort that can be employed for propulsion, therefore, depends upon the weight coming over the driving wheels and the coefficient of
adhesion between the driving wheel and the track. The coefficient of adhesion is defined as
µ = Maximum tractive effort that can be applied without slipping of wheels/Adhesive weight (Weight on the driving wheels)
Speed in 0 15 30 45 60 75
Coefficient 0.25 0.18 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.09
The normal value of coefficient of adhesion with clean dry rails is 0.25 and with wet or greasy rails the value may be as low as 0.08.
Electric traction has a very important advantage over steam traction and that is on account of greater adhesive weight – in a motor coach 100 per cent of
the weight is on the driving wheels, in an electric locomotive 70 per cent whereas in a steam locomotive less than 50 per cent.
The coefficient of adhesion in electric traction is also greater than that in steam traction due to the following two reasons:
(i) In electric traction the torque exerted is continuous whereas in steam traction the torque is pulsating which causes jolting and skidding.
(ii) In electric traction the driving wheels are distributed over a much greater length whereas in steam traction they are close to each other.
Since higher value of tractive effort can be used in electric traction, therefore, an electric train can be made to accelerate at a faster rate. This results in saving
of time, especially when the distance between stops is small e.g., in urban and suburban areas.
Total tractive effort required to run a train on track = Tractive effort required for linear and angular acceleration + tractive effort to overcome the effect of
gravity + tractive effort to overcome the train resistance.
Acceleration = α kmphps
= α × 1,000/3,600 m/s2 With the linear acceleration of the train, the rotating parts of the train such as wheels and
= 0.2778 α m/s2 motors also accelerate in an angular direction, and therefore, the tractive effort required is
Tractive effort required for linear acceleration, equal to the arithmetic sum of tractive effort required to have the angular acceleration of
rotating parts and tractive effort required to have the linear acceleration. The tractive effort
Fa = mα required to have the angular acceleration depends upon the individual weight, radius of
= 1,000 W × 0.2778 α gyration etc. of the rotating parts requiring angular acceleration. Hence the equivalent or
accelerating weight of the train is taken as We, which is higher than the dead weight W
= 277.8 W α N requiring linear acceleration to consider the tractive effort for the angular acceleration. In
practice We is higher than W by 8 to 15%. The normal value lies between 10 and 12 per
Hence tractive effort required for acceleration-
or sin θ = G/100
Substituting sin θ = G/100 we have,
Fg = 1,000 W x G/100
= 10 WG kg = 10WG x 9.81
= 98.1 WG N
When the train is going up a gradient, the tractive effort will be required to balance this force due to gradient but while going down the gradient, the
force will add to the tractive effort.
3. Tractive Effort for Overcoming Train Resistance:
Train resistance consists of all the forces resisting the motion of a train when it is running at uniform speed on a straight and level track. Under these
circumstances the whole of the energy output from the driving axles is expended against train resistance.
The first two components constitute the mechanical resistance component of train resistance. The train resistance depends upon various factors, such
as shape, size and condition of track etc., and is expressed in N/T of the dead weight. For a normal train the value of specific resistance has been 40
to 70 N/T. The general equation for train resistance is given as
= Average power during acceleration x acceleration period + average power during free run x duration of free run
where Vm is the maximum speed in kmph, t1, is the time of acceleration in seconds, t2 is the time of free run in seconds, Ft is the tractive effort required
during acceleration in newtons and Ft is the tractive effort required during free run in newtons. Instead of expressing the energy in kWh, it is more
convenient for the purpose of comparison to introduce the weight of the train and the distance of run and to express the energy in watt-hours per
This quantity is called specific energy output, and is used for comparing the dynamical performances of trains operating to different schedules.
The energy input to the motors is called the energy consumption of the train, since it is the energy consumed for propelling the train. The total energy drawn from the
distribution system will be greater than this by the quantity required for lighting, heating, control and braking.
Energy output to run the train at the speed V against the gradient and resistance to motion
Factors Affecting Energy Consumption:
Energy consumption in propelling the train is required for:
1. Having the linear and angular acceleration;
Energy required being the product of power and time depends upon the power required and the duration for which the power is taken.
1. The power (in watts) required in accelerating the train on level track depends upon the rate of acceleration α, the effective weight of the train
We and the speed at the end of acceleration Vm, being equal to 77.17 VmWeα whereas the energy (in watts-hours) depends upon the rate of
acceleration, effective weight of train, maximum speed and the time for which the train accelerates, being equal to 0.01072 V mWe α t.
2. The power (in watts) required in overcoming the force of gravity while going up the gradient being equal to 27.334 WG Vm depends upon the
gradient. While going down the gradient the energy is returned back. The energy required or returned (in watt-seconds) is given by the expression
27.334 WG V r and, therefore, depends upon the gradient, dead weight of train, maximum speed and duration of run.
3. The power (in watts) required in overcoming the resistance to motion, is equal to 0.2778 Wr Vm and energy required = 0.2778 Wr Vmt watt-seconds.
The expression for energy required indicates that it depends upon the resistance to motion, maximum speed and time of run.
The energy output of train for a given speed-time curve is independent of the type of drive employed, but energy consumption depends upon the type
of drive employed.
Factors Affecting Specific Energy Consumption of an Electric Train Operating on a Given Schedule Speed:
(b) Acceleration
(c) Retardation
Specific energy output is independent of locomotive overall efficiency but the specific energy consumption being equal to specific energy output divided
by locomotive overall efficiency depends upon the overall efficiency of the locomotive. Greater the overall efficiency lesser will be the specific energy
consumption for a given specific energy output at axles.
Specific energy consumption depends upon the maximum speed
Vm, the distance travelled by the train while power is on, S1, the
specific resistance r, gradient G and distance between stops.
Greater the distance between stops lesser will be the specific
energy consumption. For a given run at a given schedule speed,
greater the value of acceleration and retardation, more will be
the period of coasting and, therefore, lesser the period during
which power is on i.e., S1 will be small and, therefore, specific
energy consumption will accordingly be less. Steep gradient will
involve more energy consumption even if regenerative braking is
used. Similarly more the train resistance, greater will be the
specific energy consumption.
How the specific energy consumption falls with the increase in
value of acceleration (retardation) and distance of run is
illustrated in adjacent figures.
Accelerating Weight:
The dead weight of the train i.e., the weight of locomotive and train can be considered to be divided into two parts:
1. The weight, which requires angular acceleration such as weight of wheels, axles, gears etc. and
2. The weight, which requires linear acceleration. Hence the effective weight, which is greater than dead weight is called the accelerating weight.
Accelerating weight is taken 5 to 10 per cent more than dead weight.
Adhesive Weight:
The total weight to be carried on the driving wheels is known as the adhesive weight.