Private Nor-for-Profit Entities (NPE) : Colleges and Universities, Hospitals, VHWO and Other NPE
Private Nor-for-Profit Entities (NPE) : Colleges and Universities, Hospitals, VHWO and Other NPE
Private Nor-for-Profit Entities (NPE) : Colleges and Universities, Hospitals, VHWO and Other NPE
goods or services
Does not possess ownership interests like
Their revenue are generally derived from taxes or other
Colleges and Universities - Expenses
Classifications :
Educational and general expenses
• Instruction
• Research
• Public support
• Academic support
• Student services
• Institutional support
• Operation and maintenance of plant
• Student aid
Auxiliary enterprise expense
Colleges and Universities -
Contributions are defined as unconditional
transfers of cash and other assets to an entity
or a settlement or cancellation of its liabilities
in a voluntary nonreciprocal transfer.
Private colleges and universities recognize
contributions and unconditional promises to
give as revenues or gains in the period
Colleges and Universities - Funds
1. Current/operating funds
current fund-unrestricted
Current fund – restricted
VHWO depend more on donations, so the
Temporarily Permanently
Unrestricted Restricted Restricted
Funds Net Assets Net Assets Net Assets
Current Unrestricted X
Current Restricted X X
Plant Fund (PPE) X X X
Endowment Fund X X
Agency (Custodian) Fund
VHWO – Classes of Funds
1. Current fund-unrestricted
2. Current fund - restricted
3. Land, Building, and Equipment Fund (or
Plant Fund)
4. Endowment Fund (Pure or Regular)
5. Agency (Custodian) Fund
VHWO - Accounting Principles and
Revenues are recorded using the full accrual
Expenses are classified as program services