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Acute Myocardia L Infarction: Subtit LE

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Physiology Seminar



PowerPoint® Seminar Slide Presentation prepared by

Dr. Anwar Hasan Siddiqui, Senior Resident, Dep't of Physiology, JNMC
Definition 2

 Acute myocardial infarction (AMI), commonly known as

a heart attack, is the irreversible necrosis of heart muscle
secondary to prolonged ischemia.
 Results from an imbalance in oxygen supply and demand,
caused by plaque rupture with thrombus formation in a
coronary vessel, resulting in an acute reduction of blood
supply to a portion of the myocardium.
Epidemiology 3

 Every year about 735,000 Americans have a heart

attack. Of these, 525,000 are a first heart attack and
210,000 happen in people who have already had a
heart attack.
 In 2010, approximately 1 in 6 people in the
United States died of Acute Myocardial
 Approximately every 34 seconds, 1 American has a
coronary event, and approximately every 1 minute 23
seconds, an American will die of one.
The incidence of MI in India is 64.37/1000
people in men aged 29-69 years
Epidemiology 4
Prevalence of myocardial infarction by age and sex
Epidemiology 5
Annual number of adults per 1000 having diagnosed heart attack or fatal
coronary heart disease (CHD) by age and sex
Epidemiology 6
Incidence of heart attack or fatal coronary heart disease by age, sex, and race
Risk Factor 7
Risk Factor 8
• Increasing age and male sex. Individuals aged older
than 45 years have an eight times greater risk for AMI.
Even after menopause, when women's death rate from
heart disease increases, it's not as great as men's

• Hypertension, dyslipidemia,and
“A case-control study of AMI in 52 countries,
comprising 15,152 cases and 14,820 controls,
was conducted. Among the important risk factors
for AMI in both men and women were were
raised ApoB/ApoA1 ratio (OR = 3.25), history of
hypertension (OR = 1.91), and diabetes (OR =
Risk Factor 9
• Smoking increases a person's risk for heart disease
to about 4 times greater than non- smokers.

• Obesity and physical inactivity People who

have excess body fat — especially at the waist
— are more likely to develop heart disease even if
they have no other risk factors.
• Lack of exercise has been linked to 7–12% of cases
• Acute and prolonged intake of high quantities of
alcoholic drinks (3-4 or more) increase the risk of a heart
Pathophysiology 10
Coronary Arterial Occlusion.
 Rupture of high-risk atheromatous plaque in the coronary arteries is a
primary causative factor in the development of AMI.

 When exposed to subendothelial collagen and necrotic plaque

contents, platelets adhere, become activated, release their granule
contents, and aggregate to form microthrombi.
Pathophysiology 11

 Vasospasm is stimulated by mediators released from

 Tissue factor activates the coagulation pathway,
adding to the bulk of the thrombus.
 Within minutes, the thrombus expands to completely
occlude the vessel lumen.
Pathophysiology 12
 In approximately 10% of cases, AMI occurs in the absence of the
typical coronary atherothrombosis.

Vasospasm Emboli Others

• Intravascular • Vegetations of • Vasculitis,
Platelet infective • Hematologic
aggregation endocarditis, abnormalities
(e.g., sickle cell
• drug ingestion • Intracardiac disease),
(e.g., cocaine or prosthetic • Amyloid
ephedrine) material deposition,
• Vascular
• Aortic
• Lowered
systemic blood
pressure (e.g.,
Pathophysiology 13

Myocardial Response.
 Coronary arterial obstruction diminishes blood flow to a region of
myocardium causing ischemia, rapid myocardial dysfunction, and
eventually—with prolonged vascular compromise — myocyte death.

 The anatomic region supplied by that artery is referred to

as the area at risk.
Pathophysiology 14
Pathophysiology 15

 Experimental and clinical evidence shows that only severe ischemia

lasting 20 to 30 minutes or longer leads to irreversible damage (necrosis)
of cardiac myocytes.

 This delay in the onset of permanent myocardial injury provides the

rationale for rapid diagnosis in acute MI—to permit early coronary
intervention to establish reperfusion and salvage as much “at risk”
myocardium as possible.
Pathophysiology 16
Pathophysiology 17

 The earliest detectable feature of myocyte necrosis is the disruption of the

integrity of the sarcolemmal membrane, allowing intracellular
macromolecules to leak out of necrotic cells into the cardiac interstitium and
ultimately into the microvasculature and lymphatics.

 Intracellular myocardial proteins into the circulation forms the basis for blood
tests that can sensitively detect irreversible myocyte damage, and are important
for managing AMI.
Pathophysiology 18

• Time to elevation of CKMB, cTnT and cTnI is 3 to 12 hrs

• CK-MB and cTnI peak at 24 hours
• CK-MB returns to normal in 48-72 hrs, cTnI in 5-10 days, and cTnT in 5 to 14 days
Classification 19
The two main types of acute myocardial infarction, based on
pathology, are:
 Transmural infarction- Transmural infarcts extend through the
whole thickness of the heart muscle and are usually a result of
complete occlusion of the area's blood supply.
 Subendocardial (nontransmural) infarction - involves a small
area in the subendocardial wall of the left ventricle, ventricular
septum, or papillary muscles.

A transmural infarct is sometimes referred to as an “ST

elevation myocardial infarct” (STEMI) and a subendocardial
infarct as a “non–ST elevation infarct” (NSTEMI).
Classification 20

A transmural acute myocardial infarct, predominantly of the posterolateral left

ventricle (arrow). Note the myocardial hemorrhage at one edge of the infarct
that was associated with cardiac rupture, and the anterior scar (arrowhead),
indicative of old infarct.
Sign and symptoms 22

 Chest pain
 most common symptom
 described as a sensation of tightness,
pressure, or squeezing.
 not relieved by rest, position change or
nitrate administration.
 Pain radiates most often to the left arm, but may also
radiate to the lower jaw, neck, right arm, back, and
upper abdomen, where it may mimic heartburn.
 Levine's sign, in which a person localizes the chest
pain by clenching their fists over
their sternum.

SILENT AMI - 20-30% subjects don’t have chest pain, common in patients with
diabetes mellitus, hypertension, & in elderly patients.
Sign and symptoms 23
 Nausea and Vomiting
 Vomiting results as a reflex from severe pain.
 Vasovagal reflexes initiated from area of ischemia.
 Shortness of breath (dyspnea)
 the damage to the heart limits the output of the left ventricle,
causing left ventricular failure and consequent pulmonary
 Diaphoresis (an excessive form of sweating), massive surge
 Light-headedness, and of catecholamines from the
sympathetic nervous system
 Palpitations
 Loss of consciousness
 inadequate blood flow to the brain
and cardiogenic shock.
 Sudden death
 due to the development of ventricular fibrillation
Diagnosis 24

According to the WHO criteria as revised in 2000, a

cardiac troponin rise accompanied by either typical
symptoms, pathological Q waves, ST elevation or
depression or coronary intervention are diagnostic of MI.

Cardiac Cardiac
Electro- Biomarker
Diagnosis 25

ECG changes
 ST segment elevation, followed by T wave inversion and Q waves,
are associated with transmural infarction.
 ST segment depression and T wave inversion are associated with
subendocardial infarction.
Diagnosis 26

 Serum Cardiac Biomarkers

The combination of CPK
MB and troponin testing
have higher sensitivity
and is used for the
purpose of "ruling out"
myocardial infarction.
Management overview 27

 Morphine
 Oxygen
 Nitroglycerin
 Aspirin / Clopidogrel
 Beta-Blockers

 Other Early Hospital Therapies

 ACE Inhibitors
 Non- Dihydropyridine Calcium Channel Blockers.
 Fibrinolytics
 ~Targeted temperature management
Management overview 28
 Revascularization procedures
 Percutneous Coronary Intervention / Angioplasty.
 Coronary Artery By –Pass (CABG).
 Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization
Preventive Measures 29
Lifestyle modifications:
 Smoking cessation: Two years after cessation, the risk
of AMI drops by 50%
 Alcohol moderation and prevention of illicit
drug use.
 Physical activity and exercise:
 Exercise 30 minutes per day 7 days a week.
 Physical activity can help control blood cholesterol,
diabetes and obesity, as well as help lower blood
 losing even 10% from current weight, can lower your
heart disease risk.
Preventive Measures 30
Diet modification
 Diets rich in soluble fiber, vegetables, fruits, and
whole grains, and low in saturated fat/trans fat and
cholesterol should be encouraged.
 Lipid management:
 Saturated fat (<7% of total calories),
 cholesterol and trans fatty acids (<200
 plant stanols/sterols (2 g/day),
 viscous fiber (10 g/day),
 Olive oil, rapeseed oil and related products are to
be used instead of saturated fat
 use of omega-3 fatty acids (fish)
Preventive Measures 31
Management and control of comorbid diseases
 Hypertension should be managed.
 Patients with CAD should have their blood pressure maintained at less than
130/80 mm Hg.
 This may be achieved using a multimodal approach, which includes
diet modification, lifestyle changes, exercise, and medications.
 Diabetes control should be appropriate
 According to the 2007 AHA guideline for management of patients with
STEMI, the goal for HbA1c in diabetic patients should be less than 7%

Patient education:
 Patients, their family members, and the community should be educated
properly, especially on how to detect and respond to an episode of AMI
 Exercise

 Eat Healthy

 Don’t Smoke

 Don’t Drink

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