Bank Reconciliation: Irene Mae C. Guerra, CPA
Bank Reconciliation: Irene Mae C. Guerra, CPA
Bank Reconciliation: Irene Mae C. Guerra, CPA
2. Saving Deposit – the depositor is given a passbook upon the initial deposit.
The passbook is required when making deposits and withdrawals. (Interest
- if the depositor is a corporation, the bank will request that the director
pass a resolution authorizing certain officers of the corporation as
signatories of checks and that a copy of this resolution be filed with the
Company Z (the depositor) collected P 100,000 from a customer in settlement of an account. The
collection is deposited at PNB Bank. The entry to record the collection in the books of the entity:
Cash 100,000
Accounts Receivable 100,000
Cash 100,000
Company Z 100,000
When the bank credits the account of the depositor, it recognizes its liability to the depositor.
Legally, when a deposit is made, there exist a debtor-creditor relationship between the bank and the depositor,
the bank being the debtor, and the depositor being the creditor.
Assume that Company Z issued a check of P 30,000 in payment of an accounts payable. Books of Company Z,
Accounts Payable 30,000
Cash 30,000
Books of the bank
Company Z 30,000
Cash 30,000
When balances are extracted, Cash in Bank – depositor’s book has a balance of P 70,000
and the Company Z account on the book of the bank has also a balance of P 70,000.
But very frequently, there are items on the depositor’s book which do not appear on the
bank records as of the same date. Ex. Checks issued by the depositor are not yet presented
for payment to the bank or deposits may have been made after the bank records are sent
out to the depositor.
And less frequently, there are items on the bank records which do not appear on the
depositor’s book. Ex. The bank may have charged the depositor’s account with service
charges which the depositor may not know about until a report is received from the bank,
or notes endorsed to the bank for collection have been collected by the bank and credited
to the depositor’s account but notice of collection is not yet received from the bank by the
a.Notes Receivable collected by bank in favor of the depositor and
credited to the amount of the depositor.
b.Proceeds of bank loan credited to the account of the depositor.
c. Matured time deposits transferred by the bank to the current
account of the depositor.
-items not representing checks paid by the bank which are charged or debited by the
bank to the account of the depositor but not yet recorded by the depositor as cash
disbursement. The have the effect of decreasing the bank balance.
a. NSF or no sufficient fund checks – checks deposited but returned by the bank because of
insufficiency of fund. Other name for NSF is DAIF or “drawn against insufficient fund”.
b. Technically defective checks – checks deposited but returned by the bank because of
technical defects such as absence of signature, erasures not countersigned, mutilated
checks, conflict between amount in words and amount in figures.
c. Bank Service Charge – includes bank charges for interest, collection, checkbook and
d. Reduction of loan – amount deducted from the current account of the depositor in
payment for loan which the depositor owes to the bank and which has already matured.
- are collections already recorded by the depositor as cash receipts but not yet reflected on the bank
It includes:
a. collections already forwarded to the bank for deposit but too late to appear in the bank statement.
b. undeposited collections or those still in the hands of the depositor. In effect, these are cash on hand
awaiting delivery to the bank for deposit.
- are checks already recorded by the depositor as cash disbursements but not yet reflected on the bank
It includes:
a. checks drawn and already given to payees but not yet presented for payment.
b. certified checks – a certified check is one where the bank has stamped on its face the word
“accepted” or “certified” indicated sufficiency of fund.
when the bank certifies a check, the account of the depositor is immediately debited or charged to
insure the eventual payment of the check. It should be deducted from the total outstanding checks (if
included) because they are no longer outstanding for bank reconciliation purposes.
The following formats may be used in reconciling the bank and book balance.s
a. Adjusted Balance Method – the book balance and the bank balance are brought to a
correct cash balance that must appear on the balance sheet. (this is the preferred
b. Book to Bank Method – the book balance is reconciled with the bank balance or the
book balance is adjusted to equal the bank balance.
c. Bank to Book Method – the bank balance is reconciled with the book balance or the
bank balance is adjusted to equal the book balance.
Book Balance xx Errors are excluded
Add: Credit Memo xx because there is no
Total xx definite rule made
Less: Debit Memo xx whether these are to be
Adjusted Book Balance xx added or deducted. It
should be analyzed for
Bank Balance xx proper treatment. But
Add: Deposit in Transit xx errors are reconciling
Total xx items of the party which
Less: Outstanding Checks xx committed the mistakes.
Adjusted Bank Balance xx
The general ledger shows the cash in bank account for January
BANK STATEMENT for January received from BPI
e. Watch out for errors, Again, errors are reconciling items of the party which
committed them.
• - in the problem, there are no errors committed.