The Circular Flow of Income: - Spending
The Circular Flow of Income: - Spending
The Circular Flow of Income: - Spending
Four Sector
Circular Flow of Income
Key Ideas about the Circular Flow Model
Prep Task For Monday
• Review the slides above – some were used in class, but some are new! Note the link on
Slide 1 – have a look! https://
Study pages 160 – 166 in your Book 1 Textbook, making a note of all the key terms and
then have a go at the worksheet attached on SMHW.
Answer these additional questions:
• What is the difference between GDP and GNP and why is this relevant to the Circular Flow of
• Using the Circular Flow concept, explain why: National
Income ≡ National Output ≡ National Expenditure
Ensure your Schedule A Workbook is up to date, up to and including page 5
Be prepared for a short answer test on all concepts covered so far on Tuesday 17th (next