B Company LAW - Student
B Company LAW - Student
B Company LAW - Student
Nature of a company:
A Company, in common parlance
means a group of persons
associated together for the
attainment of a common end.
Definition of a Company
A Company is defined as an
artificial person created by Law
with perpetual succession and a
common seal.
Characteristics of a Company
Registered Companies:
These are companies which are formed and
registered under the companies Act 1956.
2. On the basis of liability
1) Companies with liability may be:
a. Companies limited by shares or
b. Companies limited by guarantee
3. Unlimited Companies: A Company without
limited liability is known as company with
unlimited liability. In such a company every
member is liable for the debts of the company
as in a partnership is proportion to his interest
in the company.
III On the basis of Number of members.
3.Minimum capital:-
A public company must have a minimum of
Rs. 5, 00,000 as capital.
A private limited company must have a minimum
capital of Rs. 1,00,000/-
4. Number of Directors:-
A public company must have at least 3
directors whereas private directors must have 2
5. Restriction on appointment on directors:-
must file wit the Registrar consent to act the directors or sign as
8.Special privileges:-
A private company enjoys some special
privileges. A public company enjoys no such
If the articles of a company do not provide for a
larger Quorum, five members personally present in
the case of Public company is Quorum for a
meeting of the company. It is 2 in the case of
private company.
10.Managerial remuneration:-
Total Managerial Remuneration in a public
company cannot exceed 11% on the net profits. No
such restriction applies to a private company.
IV On the basis of control.
Subsidiary company:
A company is known as a subsidiary of another
when control is exercised by the latter (called
holding company) over the former called a
V On the Basis of ownership:
11. Voting rights of members, voting & poll, proxies
12. Directors, their appointment, remuneration,
qualifications, powers & proceedings of board of
13. Manager
14. Secretary
15. Dividends & reserves.
16. Accounts, audit & borrowing powers.
17. Capitalization of profits.
18. Winding up.
Distinction between Memorandum of
Association & Articles of Association
Rescission of contract Claim for damages Damages Compensation under Damages for non-
sec. 62 with sec. 56 compliance
1. Membership by subscription
2. Membership by application & registration
3. Membership by beneficial ownership
4. Membership by qualification shares
The various meetings of a company may be classified as
I. Meetings of share holders. These meetings may be:
1. General meetings which include –
1) Statutory meetings
2) Annual general meetings &
3) Extra ordinary meetings
2. Class meetings of share holders
II. Meetings of creditors and debenture – holders
III. Meetings of directors
‘Quorum’ means the minimum number of members who must
be present in order to constitute a valid meeting and transact
business threat. The quorum in generally fixed by the Articles. If
the Articles of a company do not provide for a longer quorum,
the following rules apply:
1)5 members personally present in the case of a public
company (other than a deemed public company), & 2 in the
case of any other company, shall be the quorum for a meeting
of the company. For the purpose of quorum a person may be
counted as 2 or more members if he holds shares in different
capacities. eg: as a trustee and also in his own right.
Company Management
The directors are the brain of a company:-
Directors as agents:-
Directors are not prevented from being employees by entering into a contract
of employment with the company.
For certain matters under the Companies Act, the directors are treated as
officers of the company.
The shareholders,
Voluntary Winding up