The First 3.0 Years Of: Issues and Updates On The Implementation of RA 9266
The First 3.0 Years Of: Issues and Updates On The Implementation of RA 9266
The First 3.0 Years Of: Issues and Updates On The Implementation of RA 9266
10 April 2007
UAP Regional District B-5 Assembly
Legazpi City, Region V (Bicol)
IRR of the NBC in relation to RA 9266 ?
Republic Act or RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004) took effect 10 April 2004
while its IRR (also an executive issuance) took effect 01 December 2004;
2) Section 302.3 of the 2004 Revised IRR of the NBCP (PD1096 of 1977) is already
fully harmonized with RA 9266 and its provisions limiting the preparation,
signing and dry sealing of architectural documents only to Registered Architects;
3) Despite the existence of the WPI on Sec.302.3 & 4 of the R-IRR of the NBCP i.e.
mere regulations or executive isuances, Civil Engineers (CEs) who shall continue
to sign and dry seal architectural plans, specifications and documents shall still be
subject to the application of the severe penalties under a law or statute i.e. RA 9266
& its IRR (reference Sec. 29 of RA 9266); and
4) The DPWH can still legally bar CEs from signing and dry sealing architectural
plans, specifications and documents by invoking multiple provisions under RA
9266 (Sections 20, 29, 31, 32, 34, etc.) and its IRR, specifically Sec. 20.2 of RA 9266
which prohibits acting Building Officials/ Building Officials (or any other officer or
employee of the republic) from accepting or approving any architectural plans or
specifications not prepared in accordance with RA9266 and Sec. 44 which
mandates all public officials to enforce RA9266.
The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations) by Archt. Armando N. ALLI, fuap, aaif, fspac
5. What is happening/ going to happen to the practice of
architecture in the Philippines?
Three (3.0) years after RA 9266’s approval, many events have transpired, all of which
are subtle or overt attempts to allow other entities to practice architecture or
portions of architectural pratice defined under RA 9266 and its IRR:
1) status quo for Sec.302 of the R-IRR by virtue of WPI (not yet lifted); to date, CEs have
succeeded in wrestling control over the DPWH Board of Consultants (BoC);
2) CEs unilaterally interpreting RA 1582/ RA 544 and even the WPI to suit themselves; CEs
make it appear as if PD 1096 and its old and Revised IRRs (mere executive issuances) can
supersede RA 9266 and its provisions (a special law/ statute).
3) many non-architects/ non-professionals still openly practice or offer architectural services
without fear of severe penal sanctions;
4) many provisions of RA 9266 are still in need of more detailed implementing rules and are
therefore cannot yet be fully implemented;
5) architects continue to violate their own law;
6) architects are unable to participate in public sector projects (even for ODA-assisted projs);
7) the Local Government Code provisions favoring CEs have not yet been corrected;
8) developers and contractors already offer and practice architecture; and
9) APEC Architects/ Engineers Registry and globalization to open the Philippine market to
influx of more foreign architects/ engineers/ designers/ construction professionals. This may
not necessarily be a bad thing as we must then attempt to be world-class practitioners to allow us to compete.
_The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations) by Archt. Armando N. ALLI, fuap, aaif, fspac
Chairman, Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)
6. What is the standing of RA 9266 with respect to the Writ of
Preliminary Injunction (WPI) Secured by the CEs Last May 2005
Against Secs. 302.3 & 4 of the R-IRR of the NBC?
1. The 20-day Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and the succeeding Writ of
Preliminary Injunction (WPI) secured by the CEs in May 2005
i.e. subject of the Manila court case, only covers 2 sub-sections of
the 2004 R-IRR of the NBCP i.e. Secs. 302.3 & 4 which are
both mere listings of documents to be submitted as part of the
building permit application; these sub-sections do not
prescribe the practice of architecture nor CE i.e. only laws
such as RA 9266 and RA 1582 do;
2. The WPI is not against RA 9266 or any of its provisions;
3. The WPI is not against the IRR of RA 9266 or any of its
provisions; and
4. The standing of RA 9266 and its IRR have not been diminished
by the existence of the WPI and are both in full effect.
_The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations) by Archt. Armando N. ALLI, fuap, aaif,
7. If RA 9266 is still in full effect and since the WPI does
not cover RA 9266 at all, then why did the UAP (as
IAPOA) intervene in the 2 RTC cases?
1. The case is being heard in a lower court, the RTC; if judgment is
rendered by the RTC, the judgment shall eventually be reviewed
by the Supreme Court (SC) i.e. as the final arbiter on questions of
law and as the final interpreter of the law;
2. If the cases go to the Supreme Court without the UAP intervening
in the RTC cases, architects will not have the personality to
intervene (as they can be estopped for not having intervened while
the case was still in the RTC);
3. An RTC judgment favorable to the CEs (and not contested by
Architects) may be confirmed by the SC in its decision;
4. the decision of the Supreme Court favorable to the CEs will
have the effect of amending RA 9266 and its provisions.
_The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations) by Archt. Armando N. ALLI, fuap, aaif, fspac
Chairman, Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)
Thank You
a Pleasant Evening
to You All!
_The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations) by Archt. Armando N. ALLI, fuap, aaif, fspac
Chairman, Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)