Sea Food Plant Sanitation
Sea Food Plant Sanitation
Sea Food Plant Sanitation
Presented by
Navya D R UGS17BFT145
Naveen G V UGS17BFT144
Seafood plant sanitation
Seafood sanitation has been defined as the controlling
of all conditions or practices within the plant so th
at seafood processed is free from disease causing mic
roorganisms and foreign matter.
It is essential to provide the processor with guideli
nes that will give the consumer a high quality ,whole
some food.
Seafood processor should familiar with
Microorganisms that cause spoilage and foodborne illn
Characteristics of various types of soil
d-resistant surface.
Acid brick floors are known to satisfactory and durable.
Floor drains
A drainage outlet should be provided in processing area for
and contamination.
All vents should screened to prevent entrance of pests into the
Connection of drains lines from toilets directly into sewage sy
Window sills, if present , should be slanted at 45 degree angl
Cutting boards
should be fabricated of a hard, non porous , moisture resi
stant material .
Should be easy to remove for cleaning and should be kept sm
Cutting board should be abrasion and heat resistant , shat
terproof , and nontoxic.
Should not contain material that will contaminate products.
Conveyor belts
Should be constructed of moisture resistant material and ea
sy to clean .
Should be designed to eliminate debris catching corners and
inaccessible areas.
Drive belts and pulleys
Should be protected with guard shields that are easily remo
ld be evaluated.
Personnel allocation
In addition to the need for adequate clean
ing methods and seafood facilities, a well
qualified sanitarian is required.
seafood plant manager is ultimately respo
nsible for an effective sanitation program
and the production of wholesome products,
sanitation employees who are trained to ma
intain a clean plant must be provided.
Employees should be adequately instructed
in seafood product knowledge and in proper
sanitary techniques, so that they are info
rmed of the importance of the effect of pr
Any employee with a contagious illness shoul
d not work around processing areas, even dur
ing cleanup
The typical seafood processing plant should
before production operations are initiated.
Cleaning Schedule
A cleaning schedule with sequential cleaning steps is essential.
The schedule should be adopted for each area of the plant and shoul
d be followed.
Continuous-use equipment, such as conveyors, flumes, filleting m