Molecules of different subtances have diverse shapes. Atoms attach to one another
in various geometric arrangements. The overall molecular shape of a molecule is
determined by its bond angles in three dimensions. The shape of a molecule is very
important for its physical and chemical properties. Molekül geometrisini açıklamak
için farklı kuramlar mevcuttur. modeller
The repulsion of lone pair electrons is grater than the repulsion of bond pair electrons
Electron pairs assume orientations about an atom to minimize repulsions.
Applying the VSEPR theory.
• draw a plausible Lewis structure of the molecule or polyatomic
• Determine the number of unshared electron pairs and numbers
of bonds around the central atom ( multiple bonds count as a
single bond)
• B + No
• Establish the geometrical orientation of the electron pairs
around the central atom as linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral,,
trigonal bipyramid or octahedral
• Describe the molecular geometry
question: predict the shape of CO2 HCN CH4, NH3 SO2 PCl5,
SF6 and H2O by using VSEPR theory.
question: predict the shape of CO2 HCN CH4, NH3 SO2 PCl5,
SF6 and H2O by using VSEPR theory.
The nonbonding electron pairs are as important as bonding electron pairs in
determining the structure.
Nonbonding electrons take up more space in the valence shell than the bonding
If one or more of the electron pairs are lone pairs, the distribution of electron
pair and the geometrical shape of the molecule must be different.
Repulsion strengths
lone pair -lone pair lone pair e-bond pair bond pair-bond pair
Valence bond theory
The covalent bonds are formed by overlap of atomic orbitals each of which
contains one electron of opposite spin.
The valence bond method predicts molecule shapes from the shapes and
orientation of the atomic orbitals and their overlap regions when two atoms
In most cases the orbitals that overlap are reconfigured orbitals, called hybrid
orbitals, having different shapes and orientations than pure orbitals.
• Electron sea
Bonding in Metals
Band theory.
Band Theory
Photovoltaic Cells