The Electromagnetic
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
The EM spectrum is the ENTIRE range of EM waves in order of
increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength.
As you go from left right, the wavelengths get smaller and the frequencies
get higher. This is an inverse relationship between wave size and frequency. (As
one goes up, the other goes down.)).
The Waves (in order…)
Radio waves: Have the longest wavelengths and the
lowest frequencies; wavelengths range from 1000s
of meters to .001 m
Used in: RADAR, cooking food, satellite
Infrared waves (heat): Have a shorter wavelength, from
.001 m to 700 nm, and therefore, a higher frequency.
Used for finding people in the dark and in TV remote
control devices
Visible light: Wavelengths range from 700 nm (red light)
to 30 nm (violet light) with frequencies higher than
infrared waves.
These are the waves in the
EM spectrum that humans
can see.
Visible light waves are a very
small part of the EM spectrum!
Ultraviolet Light: Wavelengths range from 400 nm to 10
nm; the frequency (and therefore the energy) is
high enough with UV rays to penetrate living cells
and cause them damage.
1. Stands for Long Term Evolution Stands for Voice over LTE