Fundamentals of Reading Academic Texts
Fundamentals of Reading Academic Texts
Fundamentals of Reading Academic Texts
By the end of the lesson, you will have
been able to:
■ Determine the purpose of reading;
■ Identify the features of academic texts;
■ Differentiate academic texts from nonacademic texts;
■ Use critical reading strategy in reading academic texts;
■ Annotate academic texts;
■ Discuss key ideas or information; and
■ Write a synthesis of information from various academic texts read.
The texts you read in school are different
from the texts you read during your leisure
■ Write key words or phrases on the ■ Write notes on the reliability of the
margins in bullet form. text.
■ Write something on the page ■ Comment the author’s biases.
margin where important information
■ Use a concept map or any graphic
is found.
organizer to note down the ideas
■ Write brief notes on the margin. being explained.
■ Write questions on information that ■ React on the arguments presented
you find confusing. in the text.
■ Write what you already know about ■ Underline the important words,
the ideas. phrases, or sentences.
■ Write the limitations of the author’s ■ Underline or circle meanings or
arguments. definitions.
■ Mark or highlight relevant/essential parts of the text.
■ Use the headings and transition words to identify relationships in the text.
■ Create a bank of unfamiliar or technical words to be defined later.
■ Use context clues to define unfamiliar or technical words.
■ Synthesize author’s arguments at the end of chapter or section.
■ Determine the main idea of the text.
■ Identify the evidence or supporting arguments presented by the author and
check their validity and relevance.
■ Identify the findings and note the appropriateness of the research method
■ Reflect on what you learned.
■ React on some parts of the text through writing.
■ Discuss some parts with your teacher or classmates.
■ Link the main idea of the text to what you already know.
SQ3R Method of Reading