Irregular Verbs
Irregular Verbs
Irregular Verbs
verb tenses.
To investigate spelling rules that
are used in verb changes.
Verbs. What is a verb?
A verb is a word which describes the
action in a sentence (the doing word)
I play football.
They skip quickly.
We eat spaghetti.
Bob is seven today.
Can you spot the words which are
sun pink
jump pig
I play football.
walk walked
jump jumped
look looked
play played
Spot the pattern
Put these sentences into the past.
Think how the verbs would alter this time.
hop hopped
skip skipped
bat batted
tap tapped
Similar words. Different rules
tap/ tape
hop/ hope
I always tape my favourite TV shows.
hope hoped
tape taped
Ending in y
I try to make all my letters join.
When I hurt myself I cry.
For breakfast I fry some eggs.
I carry the register to the office.
The y changes to…
I try to make all my letters join.
When I hurt myself I cry.
For breakfast I fry some eggs.
I carry the register to the office.
try tried
cry cried
fry fried
carry carried
To investigate spelling rules that are used in
verb tense changes.
wait waited
pack packed
stop stopped
pot potted
try tried
marry married
keep kept
give gave
Odd bods. Look at the next sentences. Can
you place these in the past? Be careful!
blow blew
meet met
feed fed
grow grew
throw threw