The Creation of Strata Scheme in Malaysia
The Creation of Strata Scheme in Malaysia
The Creation of Strata Scheme in Malaysia
Property titles and their registration
• Property may be received by individuals either through
• Alienation, or
• Sale and purchase/ gifts and donation, or
• Inheritance.
• The property may be individual or strata
• In either form they have to be registered.
• In Malaysia the individual title governed by NLC and
strata titles are governed by Strata Titles Act 1985 and
Strata Management Act 2013
• Strata Titles Act deals with registration of title and
Strata Management Act is dealing with management of
strata titled properties.
Historical background of Strata Titles
Act 1985
• The strata Titles were part of NLC referred to
them as subsidiary titles.
• A separate law was enforced in 1985
• Major amendment was to it in 2007.
• The last major changes were made in 2013
and were enforced in 2015.
• The historical development and the reasons
for the last amendment are illustrated below
The reasons behind
Amendments of 2013
• Due to the above reasons some strata
buildings had no titles for more than 25 years.
• Even though 2007 amendment addressed this
issue, however it was still less effective.
• The new law make it the duty of the developer
to apply for title early and should deliver the
title together with vacant possession to the
purchasers of a property.
• This will be discussed later.
What is Strata property and titles
Strata Property (Scheme)
A strata property is referred to as Strata scheme.
A strata scheme involves the subdivision of
• Buildings
– Completed Strata
– Intended (provisional blocks) Unit/individ Property
• Buildings and land ual parcel
– Completed
– Intended (provisional blocks)
• Land Accessory
– Completed Parcel
– Intended (provisional blocks)
Into separate individual parcels, accessory parcels and common
• Basically subdivision of the building under the Strata
Titles Act means the production of a separate title,
known as strata title for every parcel in the building
with two floors or more,
• Scheduling the storeys, the parcels on each storey, and
the share units of each parcel on each storey
• The parcels are defined in cubic space and must be
limited in height and depth
• The provision of title for building that is completed or
intended to be constructed or under construction
• Parcels in each floor are registered in its owner name
• Common properties are registered in the MC name
• A strata subdivision of a building under s 6 STA
is required if:
– It has two or more storeys
– It is on alienated land
– It is held under final title
Building and Land
• (s 6(1) STA) In addition to the subdivision of
building as mentioned above, a land, which
remains on the same site, where there would
be subdivided building stands, can be
subdivided into parcels.
• Each of the subdivided land parcels can be
held under strata title (individual unit) or an
accessory parcel.
s 6(1) and (1A)
Land having
two or more
Sect 6(1)
• (s6(1A)) A strata scheme may involve the
subdivision of land into parcels. The
requirements are that there shall be
– two buildings or more
– situated on the land held as one lot
– Under final title
• The parcels can be held as strata title or
accessory parcel
Sect 6(1A)
Development of the Strata Titles Act 1985 up to 2007
A subdivided development
• The act does not define land in terms of its
stratum and subterranean space held apart of
surface of the earth as in the case of
• The Act does mention basement (s 4, storey,
land parcel, definition of, strata plan; s 8A
(2)(3)(9); s 13(5); s 20A(2)(3)(9) ).
Regardless of whether the subdivision is of building or
land, there shall exist the following:
– A parcel or unit
– Accessory unit
– Common property, and limited common property
– management corporation/subsidiary management
corporation (entity to hold land and to sue or be sued
in its own name)
– The management corporation exists automatically
upon registration of strata building parcels.
The management Corporation consists of all owners
of parcels.
Common property
• According to S2 of Strata Management Act it is so much of area
that is
– not part of a parcel or proposed parcel
– Used or capable of being used by more than two occupiers of the area
not including accessory parcel and provisional block
• Limited common property such part of common property in a lot
– That is designated to be exclusively used by two or more proprietors
under s 17A of STA but not all of them
– For which a certificate is issued by Director that a subsidiary
management corporation is constituted under STA.
• S 34. The parcel owners have rights of users as co-proprietors
• The management of the common properties, and their
maintenance is the responsibility of the management corporation
who collects money from parcel owners monthly
• Management Corporation
– For every strata title there is need for a management
– Such corporation is formed from all the parcel owners
– The owners could be natural or legal
– Decisions are made through voting and carried out by
appointed working committees.
– The management corporation is responsible for the
management and maintenance of the strata lot
– For collection of fees and its expenditure as required
by law
– Details will be discussed in due course
Strata plans
• A strata scheme requires strata plans. They are:
• Building: location plan, storey plan including plan
of Subdivision or Amalgamation of any parcels
shown in a certified strata plan.
– Subdivision plan (form 6)
– Amalgamation plan (form 7)
• There also shall be a certified building plan
• Land: location plan, delineation plan, including
plan of division or amalgamation of any parcels
shown in the certified strata plan
Preparation of strata Plan
• There must be proper strata plans in place prepared by the
original proprietor before he applies for subdivision.
• These plans may include maps and administrative texts
explaining the proposed subdivision.
• The plans consist of those mentioned early and some
administrative textual information will be supplied during
the application for certificate of proposed strata plan and
for the registration of strata title.
• Once the application for certificate of the proposed strata
plan is made, after due process under s 8A and s 9, a
certified plan is prepared by the director of survey and
given to the director of land and mines so that the strata
titles can be registered accordingly
The duty to apply for Strata title
• S 7 of the STA only the original proprietor can
apply for subdivision.
• Section 8 of the STA make it compulsory for
him to apply under specific circumstance.
Establishment of Management
Opening accounts
Duties of proprietors
MC management Period
• “preliminary management period” is the period
commencing from the date of delivery of vacant
possession of a parcel to a purchaser by the developer
until one month after the first annual general meeting of
the management corporation
• “initial period”, in relation to a management corporation,
means the period commencing on the day on which the
management corporation comes into existence and
ending on the day on which there are proprietors.
• This law applies to a development area, where S 46(1)
Deadline: 30/12/16