Demo Project On LDR Based Street Light
Demo Project On LDR Based Street Light
Demo Project On LDR Based Street Light
• Acknowledgement
• Introduction
• History of Street Light
• List of Components
• Specification of Components
1. Light dependant resistor
2. Transistor
3. Resistor
4. LED lights
5. Printed Circuit Boards
• Basic Principle
• Advantages
• Uses
• Working
• Circuit Diagram
• Conclusion
• Bibliography
I would like to express my gratitude to “teachers name”
under whose supervision and guidance the work was taken
up and completed.
I am grateful to “principal and school’s name” for
providing all facilities and cordial atmosphere which went
to long way in completing this project work.
I must express my thankfulness towards all the staff and
attendants of physics laboratory without the help of whom
this work would have never been completed.
I extend my sincere thanks to my classmates for all
valuable assistance and cooperation during the course of
work. :”.
“your name” .
Class XII .
Roll number - .
Many people have a phobia of darkness, so to assist them
in such situations, we have explained a simple circuit that
will automatically turn on the street light consisting of
LEDs or bulb coupled with relay. It is lit well enough to see
the objects nearby.
Street light controllers are smarter versions of the
mechanical or electric timers previously used for street
light on/off operation. They come with energy
conservation option like twilight saving, staging or
Automatic Street light control system is a simple and
powerful concept, which uses transistor as a switch to
switch on and off the street light automatically. By using
this system manual works are removed. It automatically
switches of lights under illumination by sunlight. This is
done by a sensor called Light Dependant Resistor(LDR)
which senses the light actually like our eyes.
By using this system energy consumption is also reduced
because nowadays the manually operated street lights
are not switched on and off on time.
History of street lights
Lack of natural light during
night time in the urban
environment was always a
problem. From basic
inconvenience that people
cannot see where they are
going to the greater chance of
being attacked or mugged
during the night. Because the
problem was there since
humans started living together,
history of street light is maybe
longer than we think.
It is known that natural gas was led through bamboo pipes from
volcano gas leaks to the streets of Peking to serve as a fuel for
street lamps and that as early as 500 years BC. Ancient Romans
used oil lamps filled with vegetable oil in front of their houses
and had special slaves whose only duty was to take care of
those lamps, to light them, extinguish them and watch that
they always have oil. First organized method of public lightning
was done on 1417, when Mayor of London, Sir Henry Barton
first ordained that by law all houses must hang lanterns outside
when night falls during the winter months. Paris street were
illuminated first time by order in 1524 that said that all houses
must have light in the windows at night if they face the streets.
Era of more efficient street lightning starts with William
Murdock who, for the first time in 1802, lit the outside of
the Soho Foundry in a public presentation with a gas light
fuelled with coal gas. After that, in 1807, London got its
first gas lit street. Baltimore was the first city in the
United States that started using gas for streetlight in 1816
while Paris started gas illumination of its streets in 1820.
Gas was led through pipe installations to the gas lanterns
that were placed on poles.
First electric streetlight used arc lamps, namely
“Yablochkov candle”. It was first used in 1878 in Paris. By
1881, some 4000 were in use, replacing gas lanterns on
the poles. After the spreading of the arc lamps in the
United States, by 1890 there were more than 130,000 arc
lamps installed as streetlights. Most of them were
installed on the tops of so-called “moonlight towers” -
tall, metal constructions that illuminated more city blocks
at once. Arc lights had two major flaws: they made
strong, harsh light and they did not last long. So in time
they were replaced with incandescent lamps that were
cheaper, brighter and lasted longer, while arc lamps
remained useful on industrial sites. Today, streetlights use
high-intensity discharge lamps, mostly HPS high-pressure
sodium lamps.
List of components
• Light Dependant Resistor
• Transistor
• Resistor
• LED lights
• Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
Specification of
Light Dependant Resistor :- A Light Dependent
Resistor (LDR) is also called a photo resistor or a
cadmium sulphide (CdS) cell. It is basically a photocell
that works on the principle of photoconductivity. The
passive component is basically a resistor whose resistance
value decreases when the intensity of light decreases.
This device is mostly used in light varying sensor circuit,
and light and dark activated switching circuits.