Conventional CMOS Latches and Flip Flops, Pulsed Latches, Resettable and Enabled Latches and Flip Flops
Conventional CMOS Latches and Flip Flops, Pulsed Latches, Resettable and Enabled Latches and Flip Flops
Conventional CMOS Latches and Flip Flops, Pulsed Latches, Resettable and Enabled Latches and Flip Flops
Ex.2 Circuit with min and max delay
• Every interconnect wire also has some delay, so you
can see clock CLK will take some time to reach the
clock pin of the FF1.
• So for minimum clock period, we just want to make sure that at FF2, data
should be present at least “tsetup” time before
positive clock edge (if it’s a positive edged triggered flipflop) at the FF2.
• So Clock edge can reach at the FF2 after 9ns/15ns (min/max) with
the reference of original clock edge.
And data will take time 18ns/26ns (min/max) with the reference of original clock edge.
• Seeing all the above clock period, we can easily figure out that if the
clock period is less than
21ns, then either one or all of the scenarios/cases/
combinations fail.
• Solution:
• Hold Analysis:
• When a hold check is performed, we have to consider two things
• Minimum Delay along the data path.
• Maximum Delay along the clock path.
• If the difference between the clock path and the data path is negati
ve, then a timing violation has occurred.
In this circuit, we have to do the analysis in such a way that if we will apply an
input at Port A, then how much time it will take to reach at output Port Y.
It will help us to find out the time period of clock.
Output pin Y is connected with a 3input NAND gate. So if we want a stable out at
Y, we have to make sure that all 3Inputs of NAND gate should have stable data.
One input of NAND gate is connected with Input pin A with the help of U7.
Time take by data to reach NAND gate is 1ns (gate delay of U7)
Second input pin of NAND gate is connected with output pin Q of Flip flop U2.
Time taken by data which is present at input D of FF –U2 to reach NAND gate:
2ns(delay of U8)+5ns(Tc2q of FF U2)=7ns
Third input pin of NAND gate is connected with the output pin Q of Flip Flop U1.
Time take by data which is present at input D of FF –U2 to reach NAND gate:
2ns(delay of U8)+5ns(Tc2q of FF U1)=7ns
I know you may have doubt that why delay of U8 comes in picture.
With reference to the clock edge at CLK pin, we can receive the data at NAND pin
after 7ns only
So Time required for the data to transfer from inpu
t (A) to output (Y) Pin is the maximum of:
Pin 2 Pin Delay = U7+U5+U6 = 1+9+6=16ns
From U1 to U2 (Reg1Reg2)
Path delay= 2ns (Delay of U8) +
5ns (Tclk2Q of U1) +
7ns (Delay of U4) +
3ns (Setup of U2) –
2ns (Delay of U8) =17ns - 2ns = 15ns
From U2 to U1 (Reg2Reg1)
Path delay = 2ns (Delay of U8) + Tclk2Q of U2 (5ns) + Delay of U3 (8ns) +
setup of U1 (3ns) – Delay of U8 (2ns) =18ns - 2ns = 16ns.
Delay of U8 is common to
both the launch and capture path So we are not supposed to
add this delay in our calculation
Max Clock Freq = 1/ Max (Reg1Reg2, Reg2Reg1,
Clk2Out_1, Clk2Out_2, Pin2Pin)
= 1/ Max (15, 16, 22, 22, 16)
=1/22 =45.5MHz
• In order to work correctly, what should be the
Setup and Hold time at Input A in the above
circuit. Also find out the
maximum operating frequency for this circuit
(Note: Ignore Wire delay).
• Where Tsu - Setup time;
• Thd - Hold Time;
• Solution:
• Step1: Find out the maximum Register to register
• Max Register to Register Delay
• = (clk2Q delay of U2) + (cell delay of U3) + (all wir
e delay) + (setup time of U1)
• = 5 + 8 + 3 = 16 ns.
• Note:
• There are 2 register to register paths
• U2 > U3 >U1 (Delay=5+8+3=16ns)
• U1 > U4 > U2 ( Delay=5+7+3=15ns)
• We have to pick maximum one.
Step2: Find Out Setup Time:
• A setup time = Setup time of Flipflop + Max (Data path Delay) -
min(Clock path Delay)
• = (Setup time of Flipflop + A2D max delay) (Clk path min delay)
• = Tsu + (Tpd U7 + Tpd U3 + wire delay) - Tpd U8
• = 3 + (1+8 ) - 2 = 10 ns
• Here we are not using the Clock period. Because we are not suppose
to calculate the Setup violation. We are calculating
Setup time. All the wire dealy is neglected. If Wire delay is
present, we have to consider those one.