GT FSR Control
GT FSR Control
GT FSR Control
The temperature of that gas as it exits the first stage nozzle is known as
the “firing temperature” of the gas turbine; it is this temperature that
must be limited by the control system.
Exhaust Temperature Control Hardware
Chromel–Alumel exhaust temperature thermocouples are used and,
typically 24 in number. These thermocouples circumferentially inside
the exhaust diffuser.
Temperature Control Command Program
The temperature control command program compares the exhaust
temperature control setpoint with the measured gas turbine exhaust
temperature as obtained from the thermocouples mounted in the
exhaust plenum.
The highest and lowest values (compared with constant) are then
rejected and the remaining values are averaged, that average being the
TTXM signal.
Acceleration control compares the present value of the speed signal
with the value at the last sample time. The difference between these
two numbers is a measure of the acceleration.