Mod 1
Mod 1
Mod 1
Concept of Production and Operations
POM is a process that is associated with the conversion
of available inputs into desired outputs.
Involves a system in which inputs are Involves a system in which inputs are
transformed into tangible goods – transformed into intangible goods –
manufacturing organizations. service organizations.
Inputs Outputs
(customers requirements Transformation Process (goods
and/or (components) and
materials) services)
Input Output
Materials, Labour,
Process Goods and Services
Equipment, Capital
Feedback Information
Process includes……
Goods Services
Tangible Intangible
Can be inventoried
Cannot be inventoried
No interaction
between customer Direct interaction
and process between customer and
Evolution of Operations management
Flexible Computer
Manufacturing Aided
System - FMS Manufacturing
- CAM Robotics
Aided Design
Service Technolo
Computer Integrated
Industry Manufacturing gy
Production Planning and Control
This function aims at efficient utilization of material
resources, people and facilities in any undertaking through
planning, co-ordinating and controlling the production
activities that transform the raw material into finished
goods in optimal manner.
Estimating Dispatching
Routing Expediting/ follow up/
Scheduling progressing
Loading Inspection
Production Planning Functions
i) Estimating – Involves deciding the quantity of products to be
produced and cost involved in it on the basis of sales forecast.
ii) Routing – Is a process for determining flow of work, material
handling in the plant and sequence of operations or process
iii) Scheduling – It involves fixing priorities for each job and
determining the starting time and finishing time for each
iv) Loading – Means loading of facility or work center and
deciding the jobs to be assigned to which work center or
Production Control Functions
i) Dispatching – defined as setting production activities in
motion through the release of orders and instructions in
accordance with the previously planned time schedules
and routing.
ii) Expediting / Follow up / Progressing – ensure that the
work is carried out as per the plan and delivery schedules
are met.
iii) Inspection – Is a process of examining an object for
identification or checking it for verification of quality and
quantity in any of its characteristics.
An overview…
Discussion in Class.
PPC in different systems
Batch production
Eg -
Mass production – Flow shop
Some products flow continuously through a linear