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CHAPTER 1 Intro Palm Oil

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Oil Palm
Oil Palm Industry in Malaysia
Oil Palm Plantation
Varieties of Oil Palm
Products Derived from Palm Oil
Oil Palm Industry in Malaysia
The oil palm was introduced by the British colonisers to Malaya as an
1870s ornamental plant (pokok hiasan).

Henri Fauconnier, a French rubber and coffee planter, saw its potential as a
1917 cash crop and commercially planted oil palm in Tennamaram Estate,
Bestari Jaya, (formerly known as Batang Berjuntai), Selangor.

Industrial revolution. The demand for palm oil as a lubricant for steam engines
century and other machinery encouraged British conglomerates in Malaya to replace
rubber with oil palm on their plantations.
Oil Palm Industry in Malaysia
1925 3,350 hectares (approx.) of oil palm had been grown in various parts of Malaya
and the acreage increased to about 20,000 hectares by World War II.

Malaysian Government began large scale cultivation of oil palm under an agricultural scheme
1960s aimed at eradicating poverty and improving the living standards of landless farmers.

1970s The refining of crude palm oil started.

End of Malaysia had become the largest producer and exporter of palm oil, accounting
2004 for 11% and 26% respectively of the world's production and export.
Oil Palm Industry in Malaysia
Today the palm oil produced goes into food applications as well as key ingredients
in non-food applications such as soaps, candles, lubricants and cosmetics

The industry provides employment to more than half a million people

and livelihood to an estimated one million people.

Useful video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmkdvGuw2mI

Oil Palm
Scientific Classification
• Kingdom: Plantae
• Division: Magnoliophyta
• Class: Liliopsida
• Order: Arecales
• Family: Arecaceae
• Genus: Elaeis
• Species: Elaeis guineensis
Oil Palm Plantation
•Physical Characteristics of Oil Palm Tree
• Mature trees are single-stemmed, and grow
to 10-15 m tall.
• The leaves are pinnate, and reach between
3 - 5 m long.
• A young tree produces about 30 leaves a
• Established trees over 10 years produce
about 20 leaves a year.
Oil Palm
The oil palm (Elaeis guineensis jacq.) is a species of palm that originates
from West Africa in particular the area between Angola and Gambia.

It is a perennial plant, tropical tree crop that starts bearing fruits in

large bunches, weighing between 5-30kg each, after 30 months of field

The oil palm fruitlets from the bunches (known as fresh fruit bunches) are
unique as each produces two types of edible vegetable oil; palm oil from the
mesocarp (flesh of the fruit) and palm kernel oil from the kernel (seed). Both
are edible oils but with very different chemical compositions, physical
properties and applications.
Oil Palm
Each fruit bunch will produce 20-25% oil at the mill. For
every 10 tonnes of palm oil produced at the mill, 1 tonne of
palm kernel oil is produced when the kernel is crushed.

The oil palm keeps producing the fruit bunches until the end
of its economic lifespan of between 25-30 years. This
remarkable agronomic characteristic allows the oil palm to
provide a consistent and uninterrupted supply of
vegetable oils to meet ever-increasing global demand.
Oil Palm Plantation
•Physical Characteristics of Oil Palm Tree (cont.)
• Oil palm is a crop that bears both male and female flowers on the
same tree, meaning they are monoecious
• The flowers are produced in dense clusters; each individual flower
is small, with three sepals and three petals.
• The trunks of young and adult plants are wrapped in fronds which
give them a rather rough appearance.
• The older trees have smoother trunks apart from the scars left by
the fronds which have withered and fallen off.

Macroscopic views of oil palm inflorescences: (A) mature female

inflorescence, (B) mature male inflorescence. Scale bars ¼ 10
Female inflorescences cm.
• Thefruit of oil palm is oval-shaped drupe and
pointed at the apex, weight : 3- 25 g ).

• The fruit found in bunches that are attached

to the crown of the tree through stalk and is
borne tightly clustered in large bunches.

Appear as dark red when ripped

Oil palm fruits

Unripe fruit – appear as blue black Matured fruit– appear as orange-red

• The palm bears its fruit in bunches varying in weight from 10 kg to 40 kg.
• There are three major oil palm types:

Types of oil Mesocarp Shell Kernel

palm (Endocarp)
Dura Thin (35 – 2-8 mm Large
55% of thick kernel
Pesifera Thick No Small
mesocarp endocarp kernel
(95% of (shell-less)

Tenera Mesocarp 0.5 – 3 mm Reasonable

60 – 95% thin kernel size
thick endocarp
Variety of Oil Palm
Dura Tenera Pisifera (no shell) -
(thick shell - mother) (thin shell- offspring) father
Oil Palm Plantation
•The time oil palm fruits start flowering to harvesting is 5 to 6
•Harvesting commences between 24 to 30 month after field
planting, depending on the soil type and agronomic and
management inputs.
•Will continue to be productive for the next 20 to 30 years thus
ensuring a consistent supply of oil.
•Unlike other relatives, the oil palm does not produce offshoots;
propagation is by sowing the seeds.
Oil Palm Plantation
•1st oil palm plantations were established in Sumatra and
Peninsular Malaysia in early 20th century.
•The yield of oil palm has increased due to breeding and
selection, environment, improvement in cultivation and
management practices.
Oil Palm Plantation
• The oil palm plantations in Malaysia are largely based on the
estate management system and smallholders scheme.
• Today, over 4 million hectares of land in Malaysia is under oil
palm cultivation producing 15 million tons of palm oil.
• In Malaysia, the trees planted are mainly the tenera variety, a
hybrid between the dura and pisifera.
• The tenera variety yields about 4 to 5 tons of crude palm oil (CPO)
per hectare per year and about 1 ton of palm kernels.
Oil Palm Plantation
•Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand are the important areas of oil palm
cultivation in South East Asia, which produce about 80% of the world’s
palm oil (Gopal, 2001).
•Indonesia accounted for 49% of the production, followed by Malaysia
32%, and the others (Colombia, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea), the
•Presently, oil palm account for 13% of the total world production of
oils and fats and is expected to overtake soybean oil as the most
important vegetable oil (Sambanthamurthi et al., 2000).
Oil Palm Plantation
Table 1.
in Palm Oil
Yield Over

Source: Lai et
al., 2012
• From table 1. Estimates of potential oil yield have increased from 12 t ha-1 yr-1 to 18.5
t ha-1 yr-1 due to renewed analysis, improvements in planting materials and other
• Variations in yield are a result of a combination of few factors such as genetic,
environmental and managerial.
Oil Palm Plantation
Figure 1.1 Factors of variations in yield

Genetic Environmental Managerial

• dura : thick shell, • Different rainfall • Better plantation

pisifera : no shell, patterns : regular dry management :regular
tenera : thin shell. period contributed to foliar, soil nutrient
• Tenera replaced dura lower yield. analysis, usage of palm
by hybrids of dura and • Pollinating weevil; oil mill byproducts as
pisifera for higher oil Elaeidobius source of nutrients and
yield. kamerunicus organic matter
~increased average • Improve harvesting
bunch weights, oil and milling technology
content and oil yield
Effectiveness of the oil palm pollinating weevil,
Elaeidobius kamerunicus
• Oil palm - Each tree bears male and female flowers, on separate inflorescences, requiring
pollen to be transferred by wind or insects.
• In the beginning, oil palm plantations in Malaysia relied mainly on wind pollination.
• There were natural Malaysian oil palm insect pollinators, Thrips hawaiiensis and Pyroderces sp.
But these were found to be inefficient (Wahid & Kamarudin, 1997).
• To improve the yield, hand pollination was developed and the collection, processing and trade
in oil palm pollen became a thriving sub-industry within the oil palm industry until the
introduction of the weevil Elaeidobius kamerunensis.
• Elaeidobius kamerunensis - most abundant in both wet and dry seasons. It was also found
to have the highest capacity for pollen cartage of all pollinators.
•Oil Palm Cultivation
• Selection and germination of oil palm seeds under well-controlled condition.
• These seeds are planted in nurseries for 11 months (intensive care) before
planting in the field.

Nursery management
• Preparation of land – clearing, loosening of soil
• Construction of roads and drains
• Installation of irrigation system

Nurturing seeds and seedlings

• Germinated seeds – adequate irrigation, fertilization, remedial treatment when
• Seedling maintenance – shelter, labeling and marking
•Oil Palm Cultivation (Cont.)
Watering (irrigation)
• Providing a consistent, adequate and efficient watering
• Overhead Sprinkler System – favourable choice

• Roads network – main road, subsidiary road and parameter roads
• Good and properly prepared drainage system to avoid flood

• Selection of planting material (seed)
• Culling – remove abnormal oil palm seedlings
•Oil Palm Cultivation (Cont.)
• Proper fertilization

Pest and Disease Control

• Biological control agent in pest management
• Pheromone trapping - trapping adult beetles (Oryctes sp) & Owls for rat control

Harvesting of FFB
• 30 months after planting reaches maturity in 3 years, at intervals of 7 to 10 days throughout the palm's
economic life which may vary from 20 to 30 years
• Mechanized devices (MPOB) : Harvesting Machine, the Mechanized Sickle and Tuah Chop Cutter

Transportation and handling

• Immediately send the fruits for process, minimize FFB injuring for highest oil quality
• Avoid contamination of fruit with dust of earth during collection
Products derived from Palm Oil
•From a typical palm oil mill;
• Crude palm oil (CPO)
• Palm kernel
•From a typical palm oil refinery plant;
• RBD palm oil
•From kernel crushing plant;
• Crude palm kernel oil (CPKO)
• RBD palm kernel oil
Products derived from Palm Oil
The oil palm fruit bunch
produces two types of oil,
“palm oil” from the
mesocarp (20%) and “palm
kernel oil” from the kernel
Products containing Palm Oil
• Edible
• Cooking oil, margarine, shortening, ice cream, vegetable
ghee etc
• Non-edible
• Soap, shampoo, detergent, lipsticks, lipbalm etc
Palm oil industry in Malaysia/World
• Palm and kernel oil, with the production of about 51 millions tons worth about

46 dollar billion in 2009/2010, dominates the international edible oil trade (Oil
World Annual, 2010). It is produced from about 13 million ha. of plantations.

• The main market are China, India, European Union and Pakistan with
increasing interest shown by other developing countries.
The unique composition of palm oil contributes
towards its versatility and stability, making it the
oil of choice for various food applications

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