Magna Carta For Pubic School Teacher
Magna Carta For Pubic School Teacher
Magna Carta For Pubic School Teacher
It is hereby declared to be the policy of this Act to promote
and improved the social and economic status of public school
teachers, their living and working conditions, their
employment and career prospects in order that they may
compare favorably with existing opportunities in other walks
of life, attract and retain in the teaching profession more
people with the proper qualification, it being recognized that
advance in education depends on the qualification and ability
of the teaching staff and that education is an essential factor
in the economic growth of the nation as a productive
investment of vital importance.
This Act shall be known as the “ Magna Carta for Public School
Teachers” and shall apply to all public school teachers except those
in the professorial staff of state colleges and universities.
As used in this Act, the term “ teacher” shall mean all persons
engaged in classroom teaching, in any level of instruction, on full-
time basis, including guidance counselors, school librarians,
industrial arts or vocational instructors, and all other persons
performing supervisory and/or administrative functions in all
schools, colleges and universities operated by the Government or
its political subdivisions; but shall not include school nurses, school
physicians, school dentists, and other school employees.
Recruitment policy with respect to the selection and
appointment of teachers shall be clearly defined by the
Department of Education: Provided, however, that
effective upon the approval of this Act, the following
shall constitute the minimum educational qualifications
for teacher-applicants:
(a) For teachers in the kindergarten and elementary
grades, Bachelor`s degree in Elementary Education
(b.)For teachers of the secondary schools, Bachelor`s
degree in Education or its equivalent with a major and a
minor; or a Bachelor`s degree in Arts or Science with at
least eighteen professional units in education.