Tablet coating:
• Tablet coating is defined as “ covering the tablets with one or more
layers of mixture of various substances such as natural or synthetic
resins ,gums ,inactive and insoluble filler, sugar, plasticizer, polyhydric
alcohol ,waxes , authorized colour and some times flavour .’’
• Tablet coating is the application of coating material to the exterior of
a tablet with the intention of conferring benefits and properties to a
dosage form over the uncoated variety.”
• As per I.P “Tablet coated with mixture of various substances such as
resins, gums, inactive and insoluble fillers, sugars, waxes, etc.”
Objectives Of Tablet Coating
• Mask Bitter taste
• Mask unpleasant odour.
• Protecting the drug from surroundings.
• To increase the Stability.
• Handling & ease of ingesting by patients.
• Mechanical protection from breakage.
• Avoid Light incompatibility.
• Protection from Environmental Oxidation.
• To modifying the drug release profile.
• For Product identity.
Components Considered In Tablet Coating:
Tablet properties
Coating process:
1. Coating Equipment
2. Parameters of the coating process
3. Facility and ancillary equipment
4. Automation in coating process.
Coating compositions
Coating Process:
• Tablet coating is the application of coating composition to a moving
bed of the tablets with concurrent use of heated air to facilitate
evaporation of the solvent.
• The process and equipment must provide:
1. Distribution of the liquid coating formulation over the whole of the
available tablet surface (ladling, Spraying).
2. Continuous mixing of the tablet load in order to achieve an evenly
coated product (rotation).
3. Continuous drying to solidify the film quickly (hot air).
4. Removal of solvent vapour (plus dust generated, plus used drying air
and atomizing air).
Tablet Coating Process:
Three types of coating equipments are used.
• Standard (conventional) coating pan
• Perforated coating pan
• Fluidized bed (air suspension) coater
Standard (conventional) coating pan:
Perforated pan system:
Fluidized bed (air suspension) coater
• In this system fluidization of the tablet mass is achieved in a columnar
chamber by the upward flow of drying air.
• The air flow is controlled, so that more air enters the centre of the
column, causing the tablets to rise in the centre.
• The movement of tablets is upward trough the centre of the chamber.
• They then fall towards the chamber wall,
• Move downwards to re enter the air stream At the bottom of the
• Coating solutions are applied from a spray nozzle which is located at
the bottom of the chamber. {Or }
• are sprayed onto the top of the Cascading tablet bed by nozzles
located in the upper region of the chamber.
Coating Parameters:
• During coating the tablets move through an application zone in which
a portion of the tablets receive some coating.
• Most of the time tablets are in drying mode moving away from the
application zone and recycled repeatedly through the application
• In the coating operation (continuous) an equilibrium is maintained
between coating composition application rate and the rate of
evaporation of the solvent. Deviation from this equilibrium results in
serious coating problems. These two parameters can be adjusted by;
SprayGun position: 6-18 inches from the bed, 450 angle to the tablet
bed. Not overlapping fan width nor to far.
Effect of pan load: under loading the pan will result in situation
where the tablet does not cover fully the exhaust plenum, and the
majority of the drying air stream will bypass the tablet bed and drying
efficiency will be low. 13
Air volume and temperature: Drying is controlled by the quantity
and temperature of the drying hot air, and the quantity of exhaust
air. It is important to balance the inlet and exhaust air flow rates
such that there is slight negative pressure in the chamber. Also the
temperature difference between the inlet and exhaust must be
with in 20-30oC. It is important to monitor the following three
1. Inlet Air temperature
2. Tablet Bed temperature (most critical)
3. Exhaust air temperature
Coating composition
Polymers/Film formers
• The function of plasticizer is to modify the basic mechanical
properties of the polymer. Plasticizers have high affinity for the
polymer they are also called nonvolatile solvents.
• There are two techniques to modify the plasticity of the film former;
1.Internal plasticizing
2.External plasticizing
Coloring and opacifying agent
• The function of these ingredients is to enhance the product quality.
They provide
1. Product identification
2. Protect the core from light and moisture
3. Theyincrease the solid concentration with any impact on viscosity
thus reducing the drying time. They are either soluble or form fine
suspension in the solvent system. For uniform distribution the
particle size must be <10 microns.
The most common colorants used are FD&C or D&C certified, these are
either dyes or lakes of dyes.
• The function of the solvent is to dissolve or disperse the polymers and
other additives and transfer them to the surface of substrate (core) the
ideal characteristics are
1.Itshould either dissolve or disperse the polymer system and other
2.Small concentration of polymer (2-10%) should not high viscous
should be colorless, tasteless, odorless, inexpensive, inert and
4.Should have rapid drying rate
5.Shouldnot have environmental impact.
The most widely solvents used either alone are in combination are
water, ethanol, methanol, isopropyl alcohol, chloroform , acetone 20,
methyl ethyl ketone and methylene chloride.
• Is coating area adequately staffed?
• Is there proper supervision in coating area?
• Is updated technical staff list is available with the following
information- name, qualification, years of experience of pharmacists.
• Is this examination done periodically?
• Is an employee whose states of health is doubtful immediately
removed from the work site until she/he has recovered?
• Do they wear clean-white clothes?
• Do all personnel receive up-dated GMP training?
• Then proper training records should be sustained.
• Is the coating area so constructed and maintained to protect against
insects, rodents, birds and other animals?
• Is there an adequate working space ?
• Are facilities properly constructed to smooth operation and adequate
• Are lighting and ventilation adequately designed and installed?
• Are floor, wall and ceilings constructed of materials which will
facilitate easy cleaning and if necessary disinfections?
Facility and Utilities:
• Whether SOPs of all the equipments are available?
• Whether qualification records of equipments are sustained?
• Whether proper cleaning and maintenance of equipments is
• Whether equipments are properly designed and stationed?
• Whether PLC system is validated?
Process parameter:
Check that coating Suite are properly cleaned & dry.
Process validation parameters should be checked.
All correct documents are available
Check for QC approved (Green) status label and the re-testing date
on the container.
Check that all balance are calibrated.
Check that correct dispensed Raw Material is available
Check the gross weight of the container to be dispensed and the
quantity matches with the labelled quantity.
Monitor that during material handling the operator should wear
mask and gloves because any alteration can cause adverse effects.
Any deviation during coating process should be immediately take
initiative to resolve. Proper CAPA should be implemented.
Monitor Inlet & Outlet of bed temperatures.
Monitor Relative humidity.
Monitor Atomization air pressure.
Check Pan speed.
Check Liquid spray rate.
Gun nozzles check.
Monitor Spray gun calibration.
Check Solid content of coating solution.
Check Nozzle-to-bed distance.
Check Droplet size.
Monitor Drying time
Monitor every step of coating.
Quality Checklist for coated tablet:
Is there any Colour variation appear?
Check following defects of coated tablet.
Orange peel
Check Broken tablet is there?
Is there any black spot or oil spot of coating is appear?
Whether thickness of tablets are measured during the coating
process., i.e after 1st coating, 2nd coating?
Environment Monitoring:
• Whether proper air flow is maintained?
• Whether surrounding environment is free from contamination?
• Whether all the parameters like Temperature, Moisture and Humidity
levels are controlled?
• Whether a general written documents for environmental Monitoring
are available?
Various documents should be checked:
• Serial number of Batch Record
• Name of the product
• Reference to Master Formula Record
• Batch/Lot number
• Batch/Lot size
• Date of commencement and completion of manufacture
• Date of manufacture and assigned date of expiry
• Date of each step in manufacturing
• Names of all ingredients with grade given by the quality control department
• Quality of all ingredients
• Control reference numbers for all ingredients
• Environmental Monitoring records