Human Resource Management and Research
Human Resource Management and Research
Human Resource Management and Research
Management And
Definition of HRM
• Strategic and coherent approach to the
management of an organization’s most valued
assest – the people working there who
individually and collectively contribute to the
achievement of its objectives.
Human resource system
1. HR philosophies (values and guiding principles
adopted in managing people)
2. HR strategies (defining the direction)
3. HR policies (how values, principles should be
4. HR processes ( formal procedures and methods
put HR plans into effect)
5. HR practices ( informal approaches used)
6. HR programmes (which enable strategies,
policies, practices to be implemented)
Elements of human resource cycle
1.Selection: matching available human
resources to jobs
2.Appraisal: performance management
3.Rewards: focus on organizational performance
(most under-utilized and mishandled tool)
– short-term and long-term
4.Development – developing high quality
The Harvard Framework
Aims of HRM
1. Organizational effectiveness (HRM makes a significant impact
on firm performance)
2. Human capital management (HC is the prime asset – the aim is
to develop the inherent capacities of people)
3. Knowledge management (support the development of firm-
specific knowledge)
4. Reward management (enhance motivation, job engagement)
5. Employee relations (harmonious relationship between partners)
6. Meeting diverse needs (stakeholders, workforce)
7. Bridging the gap between rhetoric and reality (HRM is to bridge
the gap – and to ensure that aspirations are translated to
effective action
HRM and Personnel Management
• places more emphasis on strategic fit and
• is based on a management and business oriented
• places more emphasis on mutuality,
• is more holistic,
• specialists are more like business partners than
• treats people as assets and not only costs.
Hard and Soft HRM
Hard (instrumental) HRM approach:
• employees are viewed as a passive factor of production, an expense
• employees can be easily replaced and seen as disposable.
• Strategic, quantitative aspects of managing HRM as an economic