Types of Parking Facilities Name-Pawan Kalantri Roll-112 (First Shift)
Types of Parking Facilities Name-Pawan Kalantri Roll-112 (First Shift)
Types of Parking Facilities Name-Pawan Kalantri Roll-112 (First Shift)
1. On Street Parking
2. Off Street Parking
On Street Parking
As the name itself suggests, “On-street Parking” means the area
allotted for Parking purpose at the sides of the roads. For efficiency
in Parking system; the On street Parking is divided into three types:
1.Angular Parking
2.Perpendicular Parking (efficient Parking Method)
3.Parallel Parking
Angular Parking
The vehicles are parked at an angle. It may be a 30,60
degree angle or 45 degree angle.
The vehicles can be easily reversed if parked at an angle.
Hence, proving as an efficient Parking System in case of
vehicular circulation.
Perpendicular Parking
The vehicles are parked at right angle to the road. It is an
efficient system of Parking.
Parallel parking
The vehicles are parked along the length of the road. Here
there is no backward movement involved while parking or
un parking the vehicle. Hence, it is the most safest parking
from the accident perspective.
However, it consumes the maximum length and therefore
only a minimum number of vehicles can be parked for a
given length. This method of parking produces least
obstruction to the on-going track on the road since least
road width is used.
Off street parking
Off street parking means vehicles are parked off the street itself.
This will be usually controlled by commercial agencies itself.