Itec413 15
Itec413 15
Itec413 15
The PenTest
• A penetration test (pentest) simulates methods that intruders
use to gain unauthorized access to an organization’s network
and systems and to compromise them.
• The purpose of a penetration test is to test the security
implementations and security policy of an organization.
• The goal is to see if the organization has implemented security
measures as specified in the security policy.
• A hacker whose intent is to gain unauthorized access to an
organization’s network is different from a professional
penetration tester.
• The professional tester lacks malice and intent and uses their
skills to improve an organization’s network security without
causing a loss of service or a disruption to the business.
Penetration Testing
• There are two types of security
– External assessments
– Internal assessments.
• An external assessment
– Tests and analyzes publicly available information,
– Conducts network scanning and enumeration,
– Runs exploits from outside the network perimeter,
usually via the Internet.
Penetration Testing
• An internal assessment is performed on the
network from within the organization,
– with the tester acting either as an employee with some
access to the network or
– as a black hat with no knowledge of the environment.
• A black-hat penetration test usually involves a
higher risk of encountering unexpected problems.
• The team is advised to make contingency plans in
order to effectively utilize time and resources.
Penetration Testing
• You can outsource your penetration test if you don’t have
qualified or experienced testers
• On your security assessment, you must specify the scope of
the assessment, including what is to be tested and what is not
to be tested.
• For example, a pen test may be a targeted test limited to the
first 10 systems in a demilitarized zone (DMZ) or a
comprehensive assessment uncovering as many vulnerabilities
as possible.
• In the scope of work, a service-level agreement (SLA) should
be defined to determine any actions that will be taken in the
event of a serious service disruption.
Penetration Testing
• Other terms for engaging an assessment team can
specify a desired code of
– conduct,
– the procedures to be followed, and
– the interaction or lack of interaction between the
organization and the testing team.
• A security assessment or pen test can be performed
manually with several tools, usually freeware or
shareware, though the test may also include
sophisticated fee-based software.
• A different approach is to use more expensive
automated tools.
Penetration Testing
• Assessing the security posture of your organization
using a manual test is sometimes a better option
than just using an automated tool based on a
standard template.
• The company can benefit from the expertise of an
experienced professional who analyzes the
• While the automated approach may be faster and
easier, something may be missed during the audit.
Penetration Testing
• However, a manual approach requires
– planning,
– scheduling, and
– diligent documentation.
• The only difference between true “hacking”
and pen testing is permission.
• It is critical that a person performing a
penetration test get written consent to
perform the pen testing.