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Cp3 3 Constructor Destructor

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and Destructors
 Constructor—what’s this?
 method used for initializing objects (of certain
 a recipe for creating object of a given class

 Constructor—do we need it?

 do the class variables need initialization?
 For the T class:

T(args); or T::T(args);

class point
double x, y;
// …
point(double, double); // no return value, even void
point(double); // overloadable
Constructor—an unusual method
 We cannot not specify the return value (even:
no void).
 We cannot call it for the already constucted
 We cannot get it’s address.
 It is not even visible in the class scope and has
no name (according to ANSI).
 Constructor with no args (default constructor):

point p1;

 Others:

point p3(10.0, 20.0); // 2 arg.

point p2(1.0); // 1 arg.
// point p1(); // this would be a call of p1 function

point p2=1.0; // this way 1 arg. c. only

 we may specify which one to call

point p3=point(10.0, 20.0);

point p2=point(1.0);
point p1=point();


point p3=point::point(10.0, 20.0);

point p3=point::point(1.0);
point p1=point::point();
 annonymous objects

point pu; // not anonymous object pu

pu = point (3);
// temporary anonymous object,
// it is deleted (right after assignment or
// later, „when not needed anymore”)
// temporary anonymous and useless
point * ppu;
// an error hard to trace, correct syntax
class point inline point::point(double d)
{ {
double x, y; x=y=d;
public: }
// …
point(double, double); point::point(double x0,
point(double); double y0)
point() {
{ x=x0;
x=y=0.0; y=y0;
}; }
Initialization list
 in a definition of a constructor (exclusivelly here) we may use
the initialization list

T() : member(initializer) [, member(initializer) …] { }

class point
double x, y;
// …

point():x(0.0), y(0.0) {};

Initialization list
inline point::point(double d)
:x(d), y(d)
// all done

point::point(double x, double y)
:x(x), y(y) // it is unambiguous !!!
// all done
Initialization list
 the only way of initializing const and reference
 in i.l. except the class members (declared in the very
class, and not inherited) we may also define the way
of constructing virtual and direct base classes.
 position on the i.l. is of no importance, initialization
is performed in a following order: base classes
(virtual and then direct bases in order of declaration),
member variables in order of declaration,
constructor’s body.
Initialization list
point::point(int x, int y):x(x), y(y) {}; //OK.

inline point::point(int i) :x(i), y(x) {}; //OK.

inline point::point(int i) :y(x), x(i) {}; //OK.

// point::point(int i) :y(i), x(y) {} — oops !!!

The default constructor
 if no constructor was declared, then compiler
generates the default constructor (constructor with no
arguments) of an empty body, for T class:


 if we declare any constructor (even constructor with

args) then compiler does not generate the default
Order of constructor calling
 Constructors
1. base class (classes in order of declaration)
2. class members in order of declaration
3. constructor’s body

 Important: object class members (and base classes),

if not initialized in the initialization list, are actually
initialized twice:
1. by the default constructor of their class
2. in the body of constructor of object being created
An example
class segment
point p1;
int number;
point p2;

segment::segment() // what happens here ???

:p1(1.0, 1.0)
An example
class segment
point p1;
int number;
point p2;

:p1(1.0, 1.0) // constr. p1 (2-arg), constr. p2 (default)
{ // number not initialized
p2=point(1.0); // constr. temp. (1 arg.), assignmemt
}; // destr. temp.
Copy constructor
 it is for initializing objects using other objects of the
same class, for the T class:

T::T(const T &);

 parameter has to be a reference (otherwise temp.

object would be created, that should also be somehow
initialized – with the copy constructor!)
 parameter should be const to permit to call the
constructor with the const argument
Copy constructor
 for example. c.c. of the point class:

point(const point & p) :x(p.x), y(p.y) {}

 as a copy constructor for class T we may use other

constructor that may be called with one argument of
type &T:

point(const point &, int=7);

Compiler generated copy
 Compiler generates copy constructor if programmer
does not define one (other constructors are not
important in this case).

 Compiler generated copy constructor copies object

field by field
(base classes and object members with their copy constructors
– just like in case of initialization list it works also when
the class has const members)

for the point class:

point(const point & p) :x(p.x), y(p.y) {}
 What is the destructor?
 Easy to guess

 When do we need it?

 Even easier
 Destructor of the class T:

 np.:
~point() // no args, no ret. value
cout << ”\nit’s me, The Point (x:”
<< x << „ y:” << y;
<< „) in a moment I’ll be The Late Point”;
 as opposed to constructor it is in the class

 we may call it

 destructor, if not defined by programmer, is

generated by compiler
 it has empty body, but …
Order of calling constructors and
 Constructors
1. base class (classes in order of declaration)
2. class members in order of declaration
3. constructor’s body

 Destructors – simply opposite order

1. destructor’s body
2. destructors of class members (order opposite to
3. destructor of the base class (classes in order opposite to
Order of calling constructors and
 objects defined in blocks (local, automatic)
 constructors are called when the definition is executed
 destructors after leaving the block, order opposite to

 global objects (static)

 constructors are called in an order of objects’ definitions,
before calling the main() function
 destructors in order opposite to constructors, after
finishing main().
Order of calling constructors and
 dynamic objects are controlled by the
programmer (new and delete).

 memory allocation and a constructor call:

when the operator new is executed

 destructor and deallocation: delete

Constructing and destructing
dynamic objects
point *pp0=new point;
point *pp1=new point(1.0);
point *pp2=new point(10.0, 20.0);
point *arrPoints=new point[10];
// array of 10 points
// initialized with the default constructor
// in order of increasing addresses
// new T[] – calls only the default constructor

delete pp1;
delete pp2;
delete pp0;
delete [] arrPoints;
point global=777;
int f(int) { segment o; }

void main() {
point local;
point *p_local;
int a=f(1);
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
point in_block=local;
p_local = new point(1.0);
point local2(10,20);
delete p_local;
p_local = new point();
point global=777;
int f(int) { segment o; } c4, c5, d5, d4
void main() {
point local; c2
point *p_local;
local=point(10,20); c3, d3
int a=f(1);
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
point in_block=local; c6, i==1 c7
} d6, i==1 d7
p_local = new point(1.0); c8
point local2(10,20); c9
delete p_local; d8
p_local = new point(); c10
} d9, d2,
d1, ???10
 define class: person

class person
int age;
char *name,
person(const char *name, const char *lastName, const int age);
person(const person & o);
inline person::person(const char *name, const char *lastName, const int age)
person::name=new char[strlen(name) + 1];
strcpy(person::name, name);
person::lastName=new char[strlen(lastName) + 1];
strcpy(person::lastName, lastName);

inline person::person(const person & o)

:age(o.age), name(new char[strlen(o.name) + 1]),
lastName(new char[strlen(o.lastName) + 1])
strcpy(name, o.name);
strcpy(lastName, o.lastName);
inline person::~person()
delete [] name;
delete [] lastName;
 define the queue class (FIFO queue of persons)

class queue
person **persons; // array of pointers to persons in queue
const int capacity; // queue capacity
int length; // number of persons currently in queue
queue(int capacity);
int insert(const person &o); // 1-no more room, 0-inserted
int collect(person &o); // 1-empty queue, 0-collected
queue::queue(int capacity)
:capacity(capacity), length(0),
persons(new (person*) [capacity])

for (int i=0; i<length; i++)
delete persons[i]; // elements
delete [] persons; // array
int queue::insert(const person &o)
if (length==capacity)
return 1;
persons[length++]=new person(o); // copy the method’s arg.
return 0;
int queue::collect(person &o)
if (length==0)
return 1;

o.~person(); // we do not know (yet)

o=*persons[0]; // how to overload the = operator

for(int i=0; i<length; i++)

return 0;
int queue::collect(person &o)
if (length==0)
return 1;

o.~person(); // we do not know (yet)

o=*persons[0]; // how to overload the = operator

for(int i=0; i<length; i++)

return 0;
// find the memory leak !!!

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