Chapter 15 - Air Conditioning
Chapter 15 - Air Conditioning
Chapter 15 - Air Conditioning
1. How do you call the
water vapor content of
A. moisture C. dew
B. humidity D. vapor
2. When air contains all
of the water vapor it
can hold, it is said to be
A. simulated C. saturated
B. loaded D. moisture
3. What is the instrument
used to register relative
A. hygrometer C. perometer
B. hydrometer D. manometer
4. Humidity is a
measure of which of the
A. cooled C. dehumidified
A. 1 + B C. 1 – B / B
B. 1 – B D. 1 + B /B
10. The psychrometric
chart in air conditioning
determines the
A. 1% only C. 10 to 20%
B. 12 to 15% D. 30 to 40%
13. Cooling towers are
used for cooling water:
A. conduction C. radiation
B. convection D. evaporation
15. Which one is
commonly used liquid
A. Zero C. One
B. Two D. Ten
21. What do bodies at a
temperature above
absolute zero?
A. zero C. unity
B. indefinite D. 100%
23. In a window air
conditioning unit which of
the following is usually
done by the owner?
A. 2 or 3 C. 1 or 2 speeds
B. 3 or 4 speeds D. 4 or 5 speeds
25. Which of the following
capacitors that can usually
found in an air
conditioning unit?
A. Swamp C. Condensate
cooling cooling
B. Evaporative D. Hydroionic
cooling cooling
31. The other name for
Swamp Cooling is:
A. vapor C. ammonia
B. CO D. refrigerant
36. The term used to express
the amount moisture in a given
sample of air. It is compared
with the amount of moisture in
a given sample of air.
A. R - 134a C. R – 217a
B. R – 145a D. R – 121a
39. The normal cut-out
setting of a window unit
thermostat is between:
B. 16 C to 21 C D. 10C to 15C
40. Thermostat are used
with most window units.
They have differentials
which vary between:
A. 2 C to 4 C C. 4 C to 5 C
B. 3C to 5 C D. 1C to 2 C
41. In an air conditioning
unit, the thermostat fails.
The unit did not start. How
do you test the operation
of the thermostat?
A. Cover the air outlet and air inlet C. Cover both the inlet and
with a cloth. The air will recirculate outlet so that the recirculating
into the unit and the temperature will air has the same temperature.
quickly drop to the cut out
B. Cover the outlet and the air D. Never cover any air
will not circulate and the passage so that air can freely
thermostat functions because move and thermostat
no air movement. functions well.
43. Which of the following
refrigerant is added
sometimes to other
refrigerant to improve oil
B. R – 777 D. R – 270
42. Which of the following
dehumidifier is often used
to reheat the air after
moisture is removed?
A. Evaporator C. Condenser
B. Chiller D. Compressor
44. A refrigeration that
deals with producing
temperature of – 157 C or
B. Extremely low
temperature D. Cryogenics
45. Measurement of a
device’s ability to remove
atmospheric air from test
A. Azeotropic C. Conzeotropic
Mixture Mixture
B. Homogeneous D. Cyrogenic
Mixture Mixture
47. Refrigerant is Group
A1 (R – 11). Chemical
combination of carbon,
chlorine, and fluorine.
A. 23 % C. 77 %
B. 27 % D. 73 %
51. Substances that
have the ability to
absorb moisture from
the air are called:
A. Desiccants C. Dehygroscopic
B. Moisturizer D. Moisture
53. In what form that
water exists in air?
A. Solid C. Vapor
B. Liquid D. Saturated
52. When the dry bulb and
the wet bulb temperature
are identical, the air is
said to be:
A. Saturates C. Humidified
B. Compressed D. Dehumidified
54. When air is heated,
what happened to its
relative humidity?
A. Increases C. Remain
B. Decreases D. May increase or Decrease
depending on temperature
55. The Horizontal Scale
(Abscissa) in the
psychrometric Chart
A. 30 % to 70 % C. 20 % to 30%
B. 10 % to 40 % D. 40 % to 80 %
57. The temperature
below which water
vapor in the air will
start to condense:
A. Condensing
C. Dew point
B. Dry bulb D. Wet bulb
Temperature Temperature
58. Which of the following
is not used as method to
measure air velocities?
A. Ozone C. Oxidizing
B. Oxidation D. DO2
60. What is the
chemical formula of
A. O3 C. D2O
B. O3 D. O1
61. In the upper
atmosphere, ozone is
made by ultraviolet
light reacting with:
A. Oxygen C. Nitrogen
A. 8 hours C. 7 hours
B. 4 hours D. 3 hours
63. How many moisture
be removed from air?
A. Condensation C. A and B
B. Decrease D. Zero
67. The relative humidity
becomes 100 % and
where the water vapor
starts to condense.
A. Hydrofluorocarbons C. R-22
B. Hydrochloro D. R-12
fluorocarbons (HCHF’s)
70. Which of the
following is the type of
refrigerant that
damage Ozone layer?
A. Hydrochloro C. R-22
fluorocarbons (HCHF’s)
B. R-12 D. All of these
71. Large-bulb alcohol
thermometer used to
measure air speed or
atmospheric conditions
by means of cooling.
B. Sedimentation D. Ventilation
74. Air delivered to the
room from the supply
duct, moving at a velocity
of 150 ft/min or more is
A. Register C. Diffuser
B. Grille D. Damper
79. It is used to control
the air-throw distance,
height, and spread, as
well as the amount of air.
A. Grille C. Diffuser
B. Register D. Damper
80. It is used to deliver
widespread, fan-
shaped flows of air into
the room.
A. Grille C. Diffuser
B. Register D. Damper
81. Which of the
following fans in air
conditioning systems
which can be classified as
centrifugal flow?
A. thermostat C. barometer
A. Module C. Interlocked
A. filters C. moisturizers
A. humidifiers C. moisturizers
A. 1/4 C. 1/2
B. 3/4 D. 1/3
94. Water in vapor form
remains a vapor as long
as temperature is what
relations to the dew point
A. above C. below
B. equals D. almost
95. An instrument used in
measuring air velocity by
B. Anemometer D. flowmeter
96. What is the specific
humidity of dry air?
A. 100 C. 0
B. 20 D. 50
97. When a hot soup was served in a cup
during dinner, an Engineer was o eager to
drink it. Since it was hot, he added ice cubes
of ice to cool the soup stirred it. He noticed
that dew starts to form on the outermost
surface of the cup. He wanted to check the
temperature of the outermost surface of the
cup. What is this temperature equal to?
A. superheated C. standard
temperature temperature
B. equal to zero D. equal to air’s dew
point temperature
98. The temperature in
which water vapour in the
gas begins to condensate
in a constant pressure
B. decreases D. increases
107. What amount of
air is required in a low
bypass factor?
A. greater C. indeterminate
B. lesser D. Increases
108. The design of an
air supply duct of an air
conditioning system
A. Condensation C. convection
B. Evaporation D. conduction
112. Which of the following
types of air dryers works by
absorbing moisture on a solid
desiccant or drying material such
as activated alumina, silicone
gel, or molecular sieve?
A. zero C. unity
B. indefinite D. 100%
116. During sensible
heating, the humidity
remains constant but
the relative humidity.
A. increases C. remains
B. decreases D. zero
115. A temperature
measurement in an
ordinary thermometer
which has constant
specific humidity.
A. 150 C. 50
B. 100 D. 0
119. An Engineer inspected an ai-
conditioning unit. He found out that the uni
does not produce any cooling effect,
however, the air-conditining unit is running.
He checked the temperature of the
condenser and evaporator and had the unit
run. He found out that there was no change
in temperature. What should he do?