Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management
Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management
Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management
Portfolio Management
By Gautham Shashangan
99% Training, Business & Investment Solutions
What is an Investment
• Investment is the investing of money or capital in order to
gain profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation
in value.
• There can be immediate income from the net cash flow of a well-chosen property after
operating costs and debt service.
• The loan balance is amortized and reduced with each mortgage payment, thus
increasing equity.
• Property depreciation can be deducted against property income for tax purposes.
• As long as replacement costs or inflation (or a combination of the two) exceed the
rate of depreciation, the property will continue to appreciate in spite of depreciation.
• Real estate values, like stocks, are subject to the ups and downs of the economy as
well as temporary value fluctuations. However, in both cases, if you hold the property
long enough, overall growth in value will likely occur.
• Real estate is not a liquid investment, which is the reason that it should be done only
with surplus funds and should be designated as a long-term investment program.
• Land does not become obsolete the way that buildings and equipment do. As such,
only the depreciation of buildings and equipment may be deducted on your tax return.
Therefore, in every real estate investment, you must allocate the purchase price
between land and buildings in order to know how much is depreciable for income tax
• Real estate generally requires more hands-on management than stocks or other types
of investments, but this disadvantage can actually reap additional tax benefits.
A briefing on different types of
The various types of investment are:
• Commodities: The items that are traded on the commodities market are
agricultural and industrial commodities. These items need to be
standardized and must be in a basic, raw and unprocessed state. The
trading of commodities is associated with high risk and high reward.
Trading in commodity futures requires specialized knowledge and in-
depth analysis.