20762C 00
20762C 00
20762C 00
Developing SQL Databases
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Hello! Instructor introduction
• Instructor: <Name>
• <Title or other credentials, e.g.
Microsoft Certified Trainer>
• <Affiliation/Company>
• <A few words about my technical
and professional experience>
Hello! Student introductions
• Your name
• Company affiliation
• Title/function
• Windows Server 2012 experience
• Product experience
• Your expectations for the course
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About this course: Audience
This is an early-to-market edition of the course. Upon release of the next edition, you
will be able to access the digital companion content from Microsoft Learning at:
Your course materials (OPTIONAL)
Module 1
Introduction to database development
Module 2
Designing and implementing tables
Module 3
Advanced table designs
Module 4
Ensuring data integrity through constraints
Module 5
Introduction to indexes
Module 6
Designing optimized index strategies
Course outline, continued
Module 7
Columnstore indexes
Module 8
Designing and implementing views
Module 9
Designing and implementing stored procedures
Module 10
Designing and implementing user-defined functions
Module 11
Responding to data manipulation via triggers
Module 12
Using in-memory tables
Course outline, continued
Module 13
Implementing managed code in SQL server
Module 14
Storing and querying XML data in SQL server
Module 15
Working with SQL server spatial data
Module 16
Storing and querying blobs and test documents in SQL server
Module 17
SQL server concurrency
Module 18
Performance and Monitoring
Microsoft Certification Program
Your lab activities will be centered around a fictitious company that we will call
A. Datum Corporation, through which you will learn how to:
VM name Use as
• You will use the Microsoft Learning Azure Pass to provide access to
Microsoft Azure for demonstrations and labs