Introduction To MS EXCEL
Introduction To MS EXCEL
Introduction To MS EXCEL
Dr A.A olorukooba
Department of community medicine
ABU Zaria.
Getting started with Excel
Entering data
Editing data
Formatting data
Data manipulation
This means that if you are familiar with Word, then you already know
how to use several Excel features!
In the Word section of our past sessions, you’ll be able to find more
information and guidance on:
This displays the value stored in the active cell, and is also
the place where you would enter a new data value or
formula into that cell.
department of community medicine.
12 5/11/2018
Starting Excel
You can also type the cell address in the name box
above column A, and press [ENTER].
You can select a range of adjacent cells by clicking on the first one,
and then dragging the mouse over the others.
You can select a set of non-adjacent cells by clicking on the first one,
and then holding down the [CTRL] key as you click on the others.
Use the arrow keys to move to the desired cell, which is automatically
To select multiple cells, hold down the [SHIFT] key while the first cell
is active, and then use the arrow keys to select the rest of the range.
You can also cut the selected data using the ribbon
icon or [CTRL] + [X],
then click in the top left cell of the destination area and
paste the data with the ribbon icon or [CTRL] + [V].
Note that while you are in edit mode, many of the Ribbon
commands are disabled.
or else click to select the cell you want to edit, and then
click anywhere in the formula bar.
the full data value. You need to make the column wider
(see formatting).
You can insert a new cell above the current active cell,
in which case the active cell and those below it will
each move down one row.
You can also insert a new cell to the left of the current
active cell, in which case the active cell and those on
its right will each move one column to the right.
The Before Sheet field allows you to specify the new position of
the worksheet.
Creating a formula
You can use all the standard maths operations, like addition
and multiplication,
and you can include numbers, cell references, or built in
functions (which are covered in the next section of this
This multiplies the value in cell B5 (cost price) by the value in cell B1
(markup rate), and displays the result in cell C5 (markup).
This multiplies the value in cell D5 (retail price) by the value in cell
B2 (VAT rate), and displays the result in cell E5 (selling price).
2. In the formula bar, click on the cell reference “B1” and press
[F4] on the keyboard.
3. The formula changes to: =B5 * $B$1. Note that cell reference B5
must retain its relative addressing, since you want to multiply
each different cost price by the same fixed markup rate.
Any future changes to the markup rate, VAT rate or discount rate
need only be entered once in cells B1 to B3 (where they are
clearly visible), and the calculated values from row 5
downwards will automatically be updated!