Pattern Recognition By: Artificial Neural Networking (Ann)
Pattern Recognition By: Artificial Neural Networking (Ann)
Pattern Recognition By: Artificial Neural Networking (Ann)
Project Assigned
Wavelet transform
The input data is collected by SCADA ( supervisory
control and data acquisition)
This data is fed to Wavelet Transform
A wavelet is a small wave which oscillates and
decays in the time domain
1 t
x t
CWT x ( , s ) x ( , s )
s t s
Continuous wavelet
transform of the signal Scale = 1/frequency
x(t) using the analysis
wavelet (.)
Different wavelets are matched with analysis
Analysis windows of different lengths are used for
different frequencies:
Analysis of high frequencies Use narrower windows
for better time resolution
Analysis of low frequencies Use wider windows for
better frequency resolution
The function used to window the signal is called
the wavelet
Few wavelets
Haar Wavelet
Mexican Hat
Daubechies-10 Daubechies-40
Applications of wavelet transforms
Feature Extraction
Discontinuity Detection
Distribution Estimation
Data analysis
Biological data
NDE data
Financial data
Wavelets at work !!
Principal Component Analysis(PCA)
Y = W*Z
Where, Y - PCA matrix
W*- conjugate transpose of Eigen vector matrix
Z – z score matrix
Introduction To ANN
Artificial neural network (ANN) is a mathematical
model or computational model simulating the structure
and/or functional aspects of biological neural networks
ANN is an adaptive system -changes its structure based
on external or internal information during learning
Neural nets mimic human learning processes.
Nets are trained iteratively on input data along with
the corresponding target outcomes.
After a sufficient number of training iterations, nets
learn to recognize patterns creating internal models of
the processes governing the data.
Two different modes of adaptive learning
- Supervised Learning
- Unsupervised Learning
Supervised Learning
Supervised learning is a learning technique for deducing a
function from training data.
The training data consist of pairs of input objects (typically
vectors), and desired outputs
During the training process, the differences between the
actual output from the net and the desired target outcomes)
are propagated backwards through the net and are used to
update the connecting weights.
Repeated iterations of this operation result in a converged
set of weights and a net that has been trained to identify and
learn patterns
Unsupervised Learning