Bioethical Principles
Bioethical Principles
Bioethical Principles
benefit relief of suffering; care;
prevention of disease, illness, disability;
enhancement, psychological benefit, etc.
Harm :
Identify what can be harm in the health care
Physical harm
Psychological harm
Moral harm (harm to interest, harm as
unfairness, harm as disrespect)
Social/economic harm (consequences for
social role, stigmatization)
Health care decisions :
Assessment has to be made between risk of
harm and potential benefits
Where the risk of harm outweighs possible
benefit the treatment is not indicated
Two or more patients when time or
material resources are scarce, different
priorities can be selected focusing on
patients who are most in need because of
the harm they are suffering or on patients
for whom treatment will produce the
greatest benefit
The autonomy of persons to make decisions,
while taking responsibility for those decisions
and respecting the autonomy of others, is to
be respected. For persons who are not
capable of exercising autonomy, special
measures are to be taken to protect their
rights and interests
Autonomy as individual capacity for self-
determinations and evaluations