Priority Inheritance and Priority Ceiling Protocols
Priority Inheritance and Priority Ceiling Protocols
Priority Inheritance and Priority Ceiling Protocols
signal(S) to release S
Classical priority
inversion problem
due to shared
system bus!
In the worst case, the highest priority task T1 can be blocked by N lower
priority tasks in the system when T1 has to access N semaphores to finish
the execution!
Ceiling(S1) = 1 (high)
Ceiling(S2) = 2 (medium)
Ceiling(S3) = 2 (medium)
No chained blocking!
Bi = max(CSi, CSi+1, ..., CSk) where CSi, CSi+1, ..., CSk are
the critical sections that can block Ti
Scheduling Aperiodic +
Periodic Tasks
Task Arrival Patterns
Aperiodic but minimum interarrival time is known
Worst case
Every sporadic job always arrives at its minimum
interarrival time
Treat as periodic tasks
Utilization bound or response time analysis
If schedulable for the worst case, schedulable for all the
other cases
No limitations on interarrival times
Scheduling algorithms we have seen so far do not apply
Aperiodic Deadlines
T1 T1,1 T1,2
2 4 6 Idle aperiodic
tasks here
T2 T2,1
2 4 6 8 10
Polling Server