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Real Time Operating


What is a Real Time Operating System?
Difference between RTOS & other common OS?
Characteristics of a good RTOS?
Hard RTOS.
Soft RTOS.
The Scheduler.
Task & Task States.
RTOS existing in market.
Introduction to RTLinux.
Writing RTLinux Modules.
Soft & Hard Interrupts.
Applications of RTLinux.

What is a Real Time Operating System?
Real Time In OS : The ability of OS to provide a required level of
service in a bounded response time.
RTOS : Has a well defined, fixed time constraint.
: Processing must be done within the define constraints or the
system will fail.
: Real Time system is considered to function correctly only if it
returns the
correct result within any time constraint.
: Real Time system is one in which correctness of computations not
depends on logical correctness of the computation but also upon
the time at
which the result is produced.
: If timing constraints of the system are not met , system failure is
said to have

What is the difference between RTOS &
other common system?

Most RTOS are actually different from desktop operating systems such as
windows & Unix.
Firstly, other operating systems takes control as soon as system is turned on
and lets you start your applications.Also compilation & linking of application is
done separately from operating system.
Whereas in case of RTO, at boot time, your application usually gets control first
and then it starts the RTOS. So here we link the RTOS with our application.
Secondly, many RTOS do not protect themselves as carefully from application as
do other desktop operating systems.
Finally, RTOS typically includes just the services that you need for your
embedded system and no more.This feature of RTOS enables it to save memory

Characteristics of a good RTOS.

Saving Memory : One special consideration if you use an RTOS is that each
task needs memory space for its stack. Therefore you should ensure that your
system allocates only as much stack memory as is needed.So the method for
determining how much stack space a task needs is to examine your code.Each
function call , function parameter and local variable takes up certain number of
bytes on the stack.Then you must add space for the worst case I.e nesting of
interrupt routines and some space for RTOS itself.
The Interrupt Latency : For every system call, the maximum time it takes
should be predictable & independent of number of objects in the system.
System Interrupt Level : A good RTOS should have a good documentation,
should be delivered with good tools to develop and tune your application.
So a RTOS supporting many devices will have more advantageous than a simple
very good nano - Kernel.


Hard RTOS guarantees critical task will complete in a given amount of time.For
this all delays in the system must be bounded.
If a process completes correctly but takes longer than given amount of time, the
process fails.
The Scheduler plays an important role in Hard RTOS.
The Scheduler either admits the process, guaranteeing that the process will
complete on time, or it rejects the request if it is impossible.

Soft RTOS are less restrictive than Hard RTOS.
In Soft RTOS critical tasks are given priority over non critical tasks.
Here also, like Hard RTOS, delays need to be bounded so that critical task do not wait
for ever, but these are not as severe as in Hard RTOS.
In this if a process completes correctly, but takes longer than its given amount of
time, the result may still be useful.
Like in Hard RTOS, Scheduler plays an important role in Soft RTOS also.
Important aspects of implementing Soft RTOS are :
1) The system must have priority scheduling and the real time process must have
highest priority.
2) The dispatch latency must be small.The smaller the latency, the faster the real
time process can start executing once it is runnable.

The Scheduler

The Scheduler keeps the track of state of each task and decides which one
should go into running state.
It looks at the priorities you assign to the tasks and among the tasks that are
not in block state, the one with the highest priority runs and the rest of them
waits in the ready state.The lower priority tasks just have to wait.
How does the scheduler know when a task has to become Blocked or
The RTOS provides a collection of functions that tasks can call to tell the
scheduler, what events they want to wait for and to signal those events, which
have happened.
What happens if all the tasks are blocked ?
If all the tasks are blocked then the Scheduler will spin in some tight loop inside
of the RTOS, waiting for something to happen.
What if two tasks of same priority are ready?
It depends on the RTOS that you use. Many systems solve this problem by
making it illegal to have same tasks of same priority. Some RTOS have
employed the concept of time slicing between two tasks.

Tasks & Task States
The basic building blocks of software written under an RTOS is the task.Each task in
an RTOS is always in one of the three states :

1). Running : Which means that the microprocessor is executing the instruction that
make up this task. Unless yours is a multiprocessor system, there will be only one
task, which will be in running state at any given time.

2). Ready : Which means that this task is ready for execution but since some other
task is undergoing execution presently, this task is waiting for its turn.Any number of
tasks can be in this state.

3). Blocked : Which means that this task hasnt got anything to do right now, even if
the microprocessor becomes available. Tasks get into this state because they are
waiting for some external event to happen.Any number of tasks can be in this state
as well.

RTOS Existing In Market

Wind River Systems VxWorks.

Integrated Systems pSOS.
QNX Systems QNX.
FSM Labs RTLinux.
Kodaks AMX.
Microtecs VRTX.
Microwares OS/9.
Accelerated Technologys Nucleus.

Real Time System
A system is said to be Real Time if it is
required to complete its work & deliver its
services on time.
Example Car Driver
All tasks in that system must execute on time.

Example - Car Driver
Mission: Reaching the destination safely.

Controlled System: Car.

Operating environment: Road conditions and other


Controlling System
- Human driver: Sensors - Eyes and Ears of the driver.

Example - Car Driver
Controls: Accelerator, Steering wheel, Break-pedal.

Actuators: Wheels, Engines, and Brakes

Critical tasks: Steering and breaking.

Non-critical tasks: Turning on radio.

Performance is not an absolute one. It measures the

goodness of the outcome relative to the best outcome
possible under a given circumstance.

Example - Car Driver
Cost of fulfilling the mission Efficient solution.

Reliability of the driver Fault-tolerance is a


Hard and Soft Real Time Systems
Hard Real Time System
Failure to meet deadlines is fatal
example : Flight Control System
Soft Real Time System
Late completion of jobs is undesirable but not fatal.
System performance degrades as more & more jobs
miss deadlines
Online Databases

Terms and Concepts
A real-time system is a system with
performance deadlines on computations and
actions; that is, system correctness depends
on the timeliness of results.
An embedded system is a system that exists
within a larger system.
A job is a unit of work that is scheduled and
executed by the system (Ji,k ).
A task is a set of related jobs that provide
some system function i = { Ji,1, Ji,2, ... , Ji,n }.


The latency (or tardiness) of a task is the difference

between the instant of time on which the task should
have started (or finished) and the instant of time on
which it actually did.

Latencies are due to several factors:

the timing properties of processor, bus, memory (on-chip

cache, off-chip RAM and ROM) and peripheral devices
the scheduling properties of the operating system
the preemptive ness of its kernel
the load on the system (i.e., the number of tasks that want to be
scheduled concurrently), and

The release time (or arrival time) of a job is
the time at which the job becomes available for
execution ( ri or Ri ).
The response time of a job is the length of time
between the release time of the job and the time
instant when it completes.
The relative deadline of a job is the maximum
allowable response time of a job ( Di ).

The absolute deadline of a job is the
time at which a job must be completed (
di = ri + Di ).

A scheduler assigns jobs to processors.
A schedule is an assignment of all jobs in the
system on available processors (produced by
The execution time (or run-time) of a job is
the amount of time required to complete the
execution of a job once it has been scheduled (
ei or Ci ).

Feasible Schedule
A valid schedule is a feasible schedule if
every job meets its timing constraints; e.g.,
completes execution by its deadline.
A set of jobs is schedulable according to a
scheduling algorithm if (when) using the
algorithm (the scheduler) always produces a
feasible schedule.
The lateness of a job is the difference
between its completion time and its deadline.
If the job completes early, its lateness will be

Periodic Task

A periodic task i = { Ji,1, Ji,2, ... , Ji,n } is a sequence

of jobs with identical parameters with:
a period ( pi or Ti ) equal to the minimum length of
time between the release times of consecutive jobs,
an execution time ( ei or Ci ) equal to the
maximum execution time of any job in the task, and
a phase ( i ) equal to the release time of the first
job in i.

Role of an OS in Real Time Systems
Standalone Applications
Micro controller based Embedded Systems
Some Real Time Applications are huge
& complex
Multiple threads
Complicated Synchronization Requirements
File system / Network / Windowing support

Features of RTOSs

Resource Allocation.

Interrupt Handling.

Other issues like kernel size.

Scheduling in RTOS
More information about the tasks are known
No of tasks
Resource Requirements
Release Time
Execution time
Being a more deterministic system better
scheduling algorithms can be devised.

Scheduling Algorithms in RTOS
Clock Driven Scheduling

Weighted Round Robin Scheduling

Priority Scheduling

Scheduling Algorithms in RTOS (contd)
Clock Driven
All parameters about jobs (release time/
execution time/deadline) known in advance.
Schedule can be computed offline or at some
regular time instances.
Minimal runtime overhead.
Not suitable for many applications.

Scheduling Algorithms in RTOS (contd)
Weighted Round Robin
Jobs scheduled in FIFO manner
Time quantum given to jobs is proportional to
its weight
Not suitable for precedence constrained jobs.
Job A can run only after Job B. No point in giving
time quantum to Job B before Job A.

Scheduling Algorithms in RTOS (contd)
Priority Scheduling
Processor never left idle when there are ready
Processor allocated to processes according to
static - at design time
Dynamic - at runtime

Priority Scheduling
Earliest Deadline First (EDF)
Process with earliest deadline given highest priority
Least Slack Time First (LSF)
slack = relative deadline execution left
Rate Monotonic Scheduling (RMS)
For periodic tasks
Tasks priority inversely proportional to its period

Resource Allocation in RTOS
Resource Allocation
The issues with scheduling applicable here.
Resources can be allocated in
Weighted Round Robin
Priority Based
Some resources are non preemptible
Example : semaphores
Priority Inversion if priority scheduling is used

Priority Inversion Problem
Priority inversion is an undesirable situation in
which a higher priority task gets blocked
(waits for CPU) for more time than that it is
supposed to, by lower priority tasks.
Let T1 , T2 , and T3 be the three periodic tasks
with decreasing order of priorities.
Let T1 and T3 share a resource S.

Priority Inversion -- Example
T3 obtains a lock on the semaphore S and
enters its critical section to use a shared

T1 becomes ready to run and preempts T3.

Then, T1 tries to enter its critical section by
first trying to lock S. But, S is already locked
by T3 and hence T1 is blocked.

T2 becomes ready to run. Since only T2 and

T3 are ready to run, T2 preempts T3 while T3
is in its critical section.

Priority Inversion -- Example
Ideally, one would prefer that the highest priority
task (T1) be blocked no longer than the time for
T3 to complete its critical section. However, the
duration of blocking is, in fact, unpredictable
because task T2 got executed in between.

Solutions to Priority Inversion
Priority Inheritance
The thread holding a resource inherits the
priority of the thread blocked on that resource

Priority Inheritance Protocol
Priority inheritance protocol solves the problem of
priority inversion.

Under this protocol, if a higher priority task TH is blocked by

a lower priority task TL, because TL is currently executing
critical section needed by TH, TL temporarily inherits the
priority of TH.
When blocking ceases (i.e., TL exits the critical section), TL
resumes its original priority.
Unfortunately, priority inheritance may lead to deadlock.

Other RTOS issues
Interrupt Latency should be very small
Kernel has to respond to real time events
Interrupts should be disabled for minimum possible
For embedded applications Kernel Size should be
Should fit in ROM
Sophisticated features can be removed
No Virtual Memory

Linux for Real Time Applications
Priority Driven Approach
Optimize average case response time
Interactive Processes Given Highest Priority
Aim to reduce response times of processes
Real Time Processes
Processes with high priority
No notion of deadlines
Resource Allocation
No support for handling priority inversion

Other Problems with Linux
Processes are non preemptible in Kernel
System calls like fork take a lot of time
High priority thread might wait for a low
priority thread to complete its system call
Processes are heavy weight
Context switch takes several hundred

Real Time Kernel at the lowest level
Linux Kernel is a low priority thread
Executed only when no real time tasks
Interrupts trapped by the Real Time
Kernel and passed onto Linux Kernel
Software emulation to hardware interrupts
Interrupts are queued by RTLinux

RTLinux (contd)
Real Time Tasks
Non Real Time Tasks are developed in
Shared memory

RT Linux - Approach

RT Linux uses VM concept limited to

interrupt emulation.
It slips a small, simple, RT OS
underneath Linux.
Linux becomes an idle task for this OS

RTLinux Framework

RT Linux Approach(Cont..)
A layer of emulation software between
Linux kernel and interrupt controller
Prevents disabling of interrupts by Linux

RT Linux Tasks
Initial Design Each RT task executed
in its own address space.
High overhead of context switching as
TLB had to be invalidated.
High overhead of system calls.
Now all RT tasks run in the same
address space (in the kernel space)
and at the highest privilege level.

RT Linux Tasks (Contd.)
RT tasks run as kernel modules. Can be
dynamically added.
Tasks have integer context for faster context
switching (unless FP context is explicitly
Hardware context switching provided by x86 is
not used.
Task resources should be statically allocated
(kmalloc etc. should not be used within an RT

RT Linux Scheduling
RT Linux is module based the scheduler
is itself a loadable kernel module.
Default A simple preemptive priority
based scheduler where the tasks are
statically assigned priorities. The highest
priority task ready to run is scheduled.

RT Linux Scheduling (Cont.)
Alternate scheduling policies
Earliest Deadline First (EDF) A dynamic
priority scheduler in which the task with the
nearest deadline is scheduled.
Rate Monotonic (RM) A static priority
scheduler for periodic tasks where the task
with the smallest period is assigned the
highest priority. This is provably the optimal

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)
Linux kernel may be preempted by an
RT task even during a system call, so
no Linux routine can be safely called
from real-time tasks.
RT fifos used for communication
between RT tasks and Linux user
RT fifo buffers are allocated in kernel
address space.

Other RTOSs (contd)
Monolithic Architecture
Real Time Posix compliant
Object Oriented OS

Introduction To RTLinux
Developed by FSMLabs Inc. in 1995 in New Mexico.
It is a Hard RTOS that co-exists with Linux OS.
With RTLinux it is possible to create Real Time POSIX.1b Threads that will run
at precisely specified moments of time.
WARNING : Real Time programs in RTLinux are executed in Kernel space and
have little or no protection against bugs in users code. Special care must be
taken when programming real time tasks because programming errors may
bring the system down.
For this RTLinux supplies a debugger within its source tree under the directory
debugger. So use of debugger is strongly recommended to reduce the risk of to
reduce the risk of system crashes.
For those who are primarily interested in hard real time control and not
particularly interested in learning how to use RTLinux itself,can take a look at
FSM Labs RTiC-Lab at www.rtic-lab.org . RTiC-Lab is a front end to RTLinux that
greatly simplifies hard real time control implementation, monitoring and tuning.
For those who are interested in running RTLinux on an industry standard PC-104
board or other type of minimal or embedded system,can refer to FSMLabs
MiniRTL project , found www.rtlinux.org/ minirtl.html. MiniRTL fits on a single
floppy disk and provides full RTLinux capabilities.

Linux Kernel

RTLinux Kernel

Writing RTLinux modules.
Understanding an RTLinux Program : In RTLinux, programs are modelled as
modules which are loaded into the Linux kernel space. A Linux module is nothing but
an object file, usually created with the -c flag argument to gcc. The module itself is
created by compiling an ordinary C language file in which the main () function is
replaced by a pair of init/cleanup functions:
int init_module();
void cleanup_module();
init_module() function is called when the module is first loaded into the kernel. It
should return 0 on success and returns negative value on failure.
cleanup_module() is called when module is unloaded.
For example :If we assume that a user has created a C file named my mo-dule.
c, the code can be converted into a module by typing the following:
gcc -c {SOME-FLAGS} my_module.c
This command creates a module file named my module.o, which can now be
inserted into the kernel. To insert the module into the kernel, we use the
insmod command. To remove it, the rmmod command is used.

The Basic API
A real time application is usually composed of several threads of execution. Threads
are light-weight processes which share a common address space. Conceptually, Linux
kernel control threads are also RTLinux threads (with one for each CPU in the system).
In RTLinux, all threads share the Linux kernel address space.
To create a new real time thread, we use the pthread create(3) function. This function
must only be called from the Linux kernel thread (i.e., using init module()):
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_create(pthread_t * thread,
pthread_attr_t * attr,
void *(*start_routine)(void *),
void * arg);
The thread is created using the attributes specified in the attr thread attributes
object. If attr is NULL, default attributes are used. The ID of the newly created thread is
stored in the location pointed to by thread. The function pointed to by start routine is
taken to be the thread code. It is passed the arg argument. To cancel a thread, use
the POSIX function:
pthread cancel(pthread thread);

Time Facilities
RTLinux provides several clocks that can be used for timing functionality, such as as
referencing for thread scheduling and obtaining timestamps.
Here is the general timing API:
#include <rtl_time.h>
int clock_gettime(clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec *ts);
hrtime_t gethrtime(void);
struct timespec
time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */
long tv_nsec; /* nanoseconds */
To obtain the current clock reading,we use the clock_gettime(3) function where clock_id
is the clock to be read and ts is a structure which stores the value obtained.
The hrtime_t value is expressed as a single 64-bit number of nanoseconds. Thus,
clock_gethrtime(3) is the same as clock_gettime, but returns the time as an hrtime_t
rather than as a timespec structure.

Scheduling Threads

RTLinux provides scheduling, which allows thread code to run at

specific times.
RTLinux uses a pure priority-driven scheduler, in which the highest
priority (ready) thread is always chosen to run.
RTLinux uses the following scheduling API:
int pthread_setschedparam(pthread_t thread,
int policy,
const struct sched_param *param);
int pthread_make_periodic_np(pthread_t thread,
hrtime_t start_time,hrtime period);
int pthread_wait_np(void);
int sched_get_priority_max(int policy);
int sched_get_priority_min(int policy);

A Simple Program In RTLinux
This program will execute two times per second, and during each iteration it will print
the message:
Im here, my arg is 0
Program for hello.c :
#include <rtl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_t thread;
void * start_routine(void *arg)
struct sched_param p;
p . sched_priority = 1;
pthread_setschedparam (pthread_self(), SCHED_FIFO, &p);
pthread_make_periodic_np (pthread_self(), gethrtime(),
while (1)
rtl_printf("Im here; my arg is %x\n", (unsigned)
return 0;

A Simple Program In RTLinux (contd.)
int init_module(void)
return pthread_create (&thread, NULL, start_routine, 0);
void cleanup_module(void)
pthread_cancel (thread);
pthread_join (thread, NULL);

Compiling and Executing hello .c
In order to execute our program, we must first do the following:
1. Compile the source code and create a module. We can normally accomplish this by
using the Linux GCC compiler directly from the command line. To simplify things,
however, well create a Makefile. Then well only need to type make to compile our
2. Locate and copy the rtl.mk file. The rtl.mk file is an include file which contains all the
ags needed to compile our code. For simplicity, well copy it from the RTLinux source
tree and place it alongside of our hello.c file.
3. Insert the module into the running RTLinux kernel. The resulting object binary must
be plugged in to the kernel, where it will be executed by RTLinux.
We begin by creating the Makefile that will be used to compile our hello.c program. Type
the following into a file called Makefile and put it in the same directory as your hello.c
hello.o: hello.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) hello.c
Now, type the following:
make -f rtl.mk hello.o
This compiles the hello.c program and produces an object file named hello.o.

Compiling and Executing hello
We now need to load the RTLinux modules.
rtlinux start hello
You can check the status of your modules by typing the command:
rtlinux status hello
For more information about the usage of the rtlinux command:
rtlinux help
You should now be able to see your hello.o program printing its message twice per
To stop the program, we need to remove it from the kernel. To do so, type:
rtlinux stop hello

Soft And Hard Interrupts
There are two types of interrupts in RTLinux: Soft and Hard.
Soft Interrupt:
1). Soft interrupts are normal Linux kernel interrupts.
2). They have the advantage that some Linux kernel functions can be called from
them safely.
3). However, for many tasks they do not provide hard real time performance; they
may be delayed for considerable periods of time.
Hard Interrupt:
1). Hard interrupts (or real time interrupts), on the other hand, have much lower
2). However, just as with real time threads, only a very limited set of kernel
functions may be called from the hard interrupt handlers.

Application of RTLinux
In Education :

The Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems (CERCS) at

Georgia Institute of Technology uses RTLinux for real-time system instruction and
The Software Engineering Graduate Program at Mercer University's School of
Engineering uses RTLinux in teaching real-time embedded programming.

Application of RTLinux (Contd.)
In Aviation and Aerospace :

Pratt and Whitney uses RTLinux to test

jet engines for the Joint Strike Fighter

Pratt and Whitney uses RTLinux to

simulate and test weapon systems for the
Comanche attack helicopter.

The University of Alabama uses RTLinux

on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.

NASA's FlightLinux uses RTLinux for

onboard spacecraft control and

Application of RTLinux (Contd.)
In Science :

The CRL millimeter-wave radiometer

uses RTLinux to monitor stratospheric
ozone, aerosols and other trace gases in
the atmosphere of the Canadian high
arctic and Alaska.
The Hungarian Automated Telescope,
HAT, uses RTLinux to perform entirely
automated surveys of the sky.
The 12-Meter Radio Telescope and
Heinrich Hertz 10 Meter Radio Telescope
use RTLinux for critical data collection and
antenna control tasks at the Kitt Peak
RTLinux provides hard real-time
decisions on optical profiles of microscopic
objects in the Union Biometrica COPAS
analyser and dispenser .
Application of RTLinux (Contd.)
In Multimedia :

The Jim Henson Company uses

RTLinux to control animatronic
machines to bring life to the
muppets, robots and animals in

Vladimir Pajkovski uses RTLinux

to reserve bandwidth for audio
and video media applications.

Application of RTLinux (Contd.)
In Telecommunications :

B.M. Ledvina uses RTLinux to do most of the work of a GPS receiver, thus reducing
parts count and cost of the whole unit.

Cornell University uses RTLinux in Cascade, a software based GPS receiver.

Yan Shoumeng uses RTLinux for remote monitoring and surveillance to avoid
exposing humans to dangerous environments.

Application of RTLinux (Contd.)
In Robotics :

The Tokyo University of

Agriculture and the University of
Karlsruhe use RTLinux to control
a robotic hand for disabled
people. RTLinux is used for the
collision avoidance, trajectory
planning and data interpretation
Fujitsu Automation Limited and
Fujitsu Laboratories uses RTLinux
to control their bipedal 48cm tall
robot, HOAP.
RTLinux is used along with
COTS parts to build a demining
robot to detect and dispose of
The Humanoid Robot uses RTLinux
to control a 3-foot tall bipedal robot.
Application of RTLinux (Contd.)
In Control & Measurement :

Uses RTLinux to control a 60

MegaWatt Tokamak generator for
high energy physics research.

The Rotating Machinery and

Controls Laboratory at the
University of Virginia uses
RTLinux to control magnetic

RT-Lab is a GUI based system

for control and data-acquisition
that uses RTLinux for hard real-
time control of experiments.

Application of RTLinux (Contd.)
In Art :

RTLinux is used in musical

research to simulate the
behavior of a bow on a

Application of RTLinux (Contd.)
In Industry and Manufacturing :

Karl Rentsch uses RTLinux

to do testing of networks in

The Enhanced Machine

Controller project from the
National Institute of
Standards and Technology
uses RTLinux to control
machine tools, robots and
coordinate measuring

The hexapod machine

project from John Storrs
uses RTLinux to control a
milling machine to produce
12/9/2017 parts to specification.
Application of RTLinux (Contd.)
In Medicine :

The Units of Intensive Care in the Hospitals of Peru use RTLinux to do

centralized monitoring of patient lung ventilators.

RTLinux is used to control biological experiments at the Cornell

University Cardiac Electrodynamics Lab.

Application of RTLinux (Contd.)
In UnderWater :

Virginia Tech uses RTLinux to

control autonomous underwater

The University of Washington

uses RTLinux in their human-
powered submarine.


RT Linux has achieved hard real-time performance by making minimal changes to a

freely available Operating System.
Provides an alternative to proprietary real-time systems which may be prohibitively
As Linux develops, RT Linux will also ride the wave of its development.
Unlike other RT systems, no separate support for RT Linux is needed since support for
Linux is already widely available.


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