Infants With Motor Delays
Infants With Motor Delays
Infants With Motor Delays
Sarah Winter, MD
Neurodevelopmental Pediatrician
Division of General Pediatrics
University of Utah
Terry Holden, PT CHSCN
February 23, 2010
Discuss hallmarks of motor delays in infants
such as tone patterns, primitive reflexes,
milestone delays, and deviances
Using cases to prompt discussion, compare
differences in the approach to evaluation
Review brain MRI abnormalities with patterns
of motor impairment
Review the purpose of the Neuromotor Team
Developmental Disorders in
Disorders of brain
function Cognition : MR/LD
Sensation : Hearing /
Behavior : ADHD
Vision Impairment
Neuromotor Team
Children with Special Health Care
Specialty team within the Child Developmental
Types of patients seen
Typically birth to 36 months
Older children with motor impairment with case
management needs
Team members:
Sarah Winter, MD, Terry Holden, PT, Scott Jerome,
PT, and Alison Seppi, RN
Oversight: Jim Taliaferro, LCSW
My developmental path to
understanding gross motor delay
But how do you apply
this disparate
knowledge and be
helpful to this child
and family?
Developmental Progress
Move from
chaotic pieces
of knowledge
A systematic approach
To of identification,
evaluation, and
A Systematic Approach
Language findings
Social/Behavioral findings
Focused exam findings
Tone patterns
Low tone: mild or severe?
gross motor examination
This child presents
with delays in gross
motor milestones.
His tone is likely low
between tone and
Focused Exam
Deviant (atypical but not always delayed)
motor patterns
Bottom scooters
FHx: noncontributory
Physical exam: cute blonde, fair skinned, growth
parameters: weight >>95%, hgt 75%, OFC, 75%
rest of exam normal
CT vs. MRI
Metabolic Studies?
Genetic Studies?
Case # 2
24 month old with language delay, not
using left arm as well as right arm
Pregnancy.labor /delivery: uncomplicated
Family History: negative
Physical exam:
Neuro exam: reflexes, tone, strength intact
Neurodevelopmental exam: walking,
asymmetric use of hands L<R, language
How helpful is imaging?
Sarah Winter, MD
Phone : 801-581-7877